Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s latest raid boss is Mighty Typhlosion, a powerful 7-star beast that trainers can catch and defeat until April 23. While this Pokemon is commonly known as a starter for the second generation Pokemon games, its Tera Type hints that it may share common characteristics with its Hisuian ancestor in Pokemon Legends: Arceus.

Modern Pokemon games often lock trainers into using Pokemon in the current generation for a few months to years. Then, they update the system and allow players to use previous-generation Pokemon by importing them or catching wandering ones in the tall grass. In the case of the mainline Switch games, Sword and Shield and Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, trainers can get souped-up versions of these Pokemon in raid battles. Previous raid bosses in Scarlet and Violet are also heavily hinting at future Legends: Arceus content in the game.

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Brings Back Legends: Arceus Starters

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Tera Typhlosion raid gr mockup

Legends: Arceus' Hisuian forms gave Pokemon from previous games a fresh new look and extra typing, despite them being ancestors of the current Pokemon that players know and love. Players were especially fond of the spin-off game's starters -- Typhlosion, Samurott, and Decidueye -- because of their strong Hisuian evolutions. All of them made a comeback in Scarlet and Violet in their original forms.

Starting March 17, trainers could participate in a battle against Decidueye, who has a Flying Tera Type. Samurott, also appeared on March 31 with a Bug Tera Type. The raid boss closest to its Hisuian ancestor is the fire starter: Typhlosion. It has a Ghost Tera Type; that matches Legends: Arceus' Typhlosion, which had Ghost as its second type. All of them bear the Mightiest mark, which means that they're the most powerful version of the Pokemon that players can catch in the game.

Legends: Arceus References Show Up in Scarlet and Violet's DLCs

Hisuian Zorark Pokemon In Battle Close-Up

Scarlet and Violet brought Hisuian Zoroark from the past to the present as a pre-purchase gift for the upcoming Hidden Treasure of Area Zero DLC. This Pokemon is a favorite among fans because of its strong type combination of Ghost and Normal, making Dark moves its only vulnerability. It also hits hard and fast with a base special attack of 120 and a base speed of 105. The game's website states that Hisuian Zoroark possesses an unusual move, which may be related to its Tera Type. Players can acquire this unique and powerful Pokemon now through a serial code when they purchase the DLC before October 31, 2023.

The official art for Scarlet and Violet’s upcoming Teal Mask expansion shows characters sporting summer festival garbs that look similar to the kimonos of Legends: Arceus. Apart from the clothing, Teal Mask also takes notes from the spin-off through its story. Players will encounter Fezandipiti, Okidogi, and Munkidori, Pokemon who seemingly existed only in folklore as heroes who protect the Land of Kitakami. These Pokemon sound quite similar to the Noble Pokemon of Legends: Arceus, who are also powerful creatures that assist and defend the people of the region.

Pokemon Legends: Arceus had a large impact on players because of its fresh take on the game, with unique story, regional Pokemon, and trainer customization. Some players even prefer it over Scarlet and Violet. It seems like Game Freak is listening to its audience by bringing Legends: Arceus' beloved starters and the fan-favorite Hisuian Zoroark back. They also touch on the players' love for the spin-off further by taking a similar folkloric approach to the Teal Mask DLC's storyline. These references only make trainers even more interested to see which Legends: Arceus mechanic or Pokemon will appear next.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are available now for the Nintendo Switch.

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