The most recent Nintendo Direct focused heavily on the future of Pokemon, with news about a new Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and two planned expansions for Pokemon Sword and Shield. With tons of new features and Pokemon coming to the games through The Isle of Armor and The Crown Tundra DLC packs, the expansion pass is promising to bring a lot to the table in the coming months.

One such promising feature is the introduction of brand new Gigantamax Pokemon, Pokemon Sword and Shield's unique Pokemon that transform during raids and in gym battles to reach heights going above and beyond a regular Dynamax boost. However, while Nintendo and Game Freak have revealed some of the new Gigantamax Pokemon coming to the expansion, there is still room for more to appear. So today, let's look at some Pokemon that deserve to earn Gigantamax forms in The Isle of Armor and The Crown Tundra.

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pokemon go blissey overpowered

The evolved form of the classic healer Pokemon Chansey has been revealed to be joining the Galar Region Pokedex as a part of The Isle of Armor expansion pack. With an already enhanced design on the old fan favorite, Blissey has room to grow (literally) and expand further onto the new themes that Game Freak added to the Pokemon's design when initially evolving it.

Blissey would also have a welcome space in many teams, as its Normal typing would allow it to be an all-rounder that can fill in gaps when players go up against Pokemon they have no type advantage to play on. Similarly, as a healer, Blissey would make for the ultimate support Gigantamax, hopefully coming with abilities that keep its party members alive through tense Raid Battles.


pokemon sword shield dragapult evolution dreepy

A new Pokemon, introduced in Pokemon Sword and Shield's pre-expansion base game, Dragapult would make for a fierce competitor as a Gigantamax enabled fighter. This is also one of few Pokemon that comes equipped with a signature move, Dragon Darts, that could be modified along with the creature's design to make for a unique Gigantamax experience.

As the newest dragon to enter the Pokedex, Dragapult has a lot to live up to, and while he does stand out as one of the strongest Pokemon in the Galar Region, Game Freak can continue to push on his design and deliver a challenging Raid to conquer. Some honorable mentions that go along with the new dragon would be some older creatures like Goodra and Flygon, but Dragapult still pulls ahead.

Galarian Slowking

pokemon sword and shield galarian slowpoke new rivals

Newly added after being announced during the Nintendo Direct, Galarian Slowpoke, and its evolved form Galarian Slowbro, have already become a fan favorite among new regional Pokemon forms. Galarian Slowking, however, will be added in The Isle of Armor, when the item used to evolve Galarian Slowbro is released to excited players.

Little is known so far as to what Galarian Slowking is going to look like, as the Pokemon's face was covered during the Nintendo Direct, and it is possible that Game Freak is already considering or designing a Gigantamax version of the evolved Galarian Slowpoke now. However, if there was no plan already, then there should hopefully be one in the future, as this Psychic powerhouse would make for an easy pick on any Raider's team.


Pokemon Garchomp

Returning in The Crown Tundra, Garchomp is easily one of the most highly anticipated returns from the previous generations of Pokemon. As one of the fan favorite dragons from the series, it would be easy to assume that a Gigantamax form of Garchomp is already in the works.

That being said, with The Crown Tundra's release coming some time after The Isle of Armor, it'll likely be a while until Game Freak shows off any new updates to the Pokemon. For now, fans will just have to be patient and hope that the wish of a Gigantamax Garchomp is realized as the Pokemon storms its way into the Galar Region.



Another blast from the past, this Gen-1/2 Pokemon line somehow managed to miss the party when Pokemon Sword and Shield first released, to the relief of some who remember Mt. Moon. However, with the return of Zubat and its evolutionary line into the Galar region, Crobat could make for an incredible design as a Gigantamax Pokemon.

Similar to Blissey, Crobat is another Pokemon that has already undergone a redesign in a later generation after its original appearance, making it a prime candidate for more tuning and altering. Additionally, the Poison/Flying type coverage could be exactly what some teams need to take down some particularly stubborn Raid Battles.

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pokemon sword shield galarian kingdra

Kingdra would be another great dragon type that deserves to be lifted up by earning itself a Gigantamax form after finally arriving in the Galar Region via?The Isle of Armor. This list seems to be focusing fairly prominently on dragon types, and while the type advantage isn't what it used to be, the Pokemon within that typing have some of the biggest potentials for Gigantamax redesigns in the series.

Of course, Kingdra is no exception to the rule that dragon types would make for amazing Gigantamax designs, as the redesign that evolved the Pokemon from Seadra was an incredible reveal when it arrived in Gen-2. Now coming to The Isle of Armor, Kingdra has a chance to improve on itself once again, continuing the line of enhancing early Pokemon as time goes on.


Mew versus Mewtwo in Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu Eevee Cropped

Not many legendary Pokemon have gotten the Gigantamax treatment so far, with The Isle of Armor's Urshifu being the first confirmed Gigantamax legendary so far. Mewtwo, however, is easily worthy of stepping through a point of power and emerging with a new Gigantamax form to dominate opponents with.

Having already been given a Mega Evolution in the past, it would make sense that the ultimate Pokemon is able to continue pushing the boundaries of its Gen-1 design. Similarly, some other Pokemon that recieved Mega Evolutions in previous games, like Charizard, already have Gigantamax forms in Pokemon Sword and Shield.


Nidoking and Nidoqueen

This duo acts as a single entry as opposed to two for the same reasons Urshifu's two forms could easily be considered the same Pokemon. However, while Nidoking and Nidoqueen are essentially gender swaps of each other, they have had differing stats in previous games that sets the two apart and would make them an excellent addition to the growing squad of Gigantamax Pokemon.

The two classic creatures that set the stage for gender differences among Pokemon would make for an amazing collection of Gigantamax forms, both fitting in as two sides to the same coin. As for catching these two, having that added touch of randomness and RNG can make getting the Pokemon a player wants all the more exhilarating and give a decent reason to keep playing for longer.


Pokemon Mega Rayquaza

Another legendary Pokemon arriving to Sword and Shield from a previous generation, Rayquaza would make for a fierce opponent to match Eternatus for size and power. Similar to Mewtwo, Rayquaza also has a Mega Evolution, making the possibility of a Gigantamax form fairly likely when the Pokemon arrives to the Galar Region.

Already a favorite among players, Rayquaza could use a Gigantamax design if Game Freak is looking to earn back some good faith from players that may have been disappointed by the Pokemon's absence in the base game. Additionally, with a reputation as one of the most powerful Pokemon around, Rayquaza would likely be welcome on any team looking to challenge the toughest Raid Battles they can find.


pokemon coolest bug type volcarona 4

Last, but not least,?there's Volcarona. It was a shame that the fire-bug didn't make it into Sword and Shield in the first place, but with Larvesta and its subsequent evolution arriving through The Isle of Armor, Volcarona may have a chance to really spread its wings.

Giving Volcarona a Gigantamax form would make for an incredible addition to a list transforming Pokemon that is frankly lacking in bug types. It's possible that not enough of what was available was as ripe for a redesign in Gigantamax form, but with the original Volcarona already looking incredible, the sky is the limit with this Pokemon.

Pokemon Sword and Shield are out now, exclusively for the Switch.

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