Game Freak is doing its part to help keep Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield players motivated during the ongoing novel coronavirus pandemic. On Thursday, Game Freak launched a surprise in-game event referenced simply as "The Wild Area Event." As the name implies, The Wild Area Event opens up new Max Raid Battles in Pokemon Sword and Shield for players to hunt down and capture. This is no normal event, however. It's breaking Game Freak's rules and will even include previously version-exclusive Pokemon.
On Pokemon Sword's side, the?Max Raid Battle event Pokemon include?Galarian Corsola (level 17-40), Galarian Ponyta (level 17-40), Oranguru (level 60) female Indeedee (level 60), Mandibuzz (level 60), and Galarian Rapidash (level 60). Pokemon Shield's event Pokemon will be Darumaka (level 17-40), Farfetch'd (level 30), Sirfetch'd (level 40-60), Passimian (level 60), male Indeedee (level 60), and Braviary (level 60).
There are also several event Pokemon catchable in Max Raid Battles that will be shared between both Pokemon Sword and Shield. These include version exclusives like Machamp and Gengar. Other Pokemon include Snorlax, Pincurchin, Accelgor, Escavalier, Hauntzer, Gastly, Karrablast, and Shelmet.
Game Freak has confirmed that the event won't be lasting forever, however. It's seemingly just a random decision on the studio's part to try and bring the community together during a time of hardship. The event will last from now through March 25, giving Pokemon Sword and Shield players a week to earn any of the Pokemon they may not have captured or traded for yet.
The event doesn't provide every single Pokemon Sword or Pokemon Shield exclusive for players to catch, obviously. It's not going to be that easy to fill out the Galarian Pokedex without trading. However, it does imply that more events could be on the way. Perhaps Game Freak will share all of the game-exclusive Pokemon between the two games over the next several months. Hopefully, an announcement will be made soon about Game Freak's upcoming plans.
To be fair, it isn't entirely clear whether Game Freak, The Pokemon Company, or Nintendo are putting this event together specifically in relation to the coronavirus. Since there's no announcement and no communication, there's no way to officially confirm it. However, it does seem like odd timing for what's really a very big event in Pokemon Sword and Shield. Both the surprise factor and the scope of the event hint that this was a bigger decision than what was simply on the schedule. Hopefully, it puts a smile on the face of some Nintendo Switch gamers.
Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Switch are available now exclusively on Nintendo Switch.