After planting the explosives in the Foundation, players will need to redirect the gas into the storage tanks to act as a field for the eventual explosion in Poppy Playtime Chapter 4. However, you'll need to manually redirect gas into each of the tanks, which can be a bit tricky. It's one of the last puzzles in the game, which takes quite a lot of thinking to complete. However, there's an easy way to solve the gas puzzle in Poppy Playtime Chapter 4.

Poppy Playtime Chapter 4: Operating Room Anatomy Puzzle Solution

Players will reach the operating room in Poppy Playtime Chapter 4 and will need to figure out the code for the terminal by solving the anatomy puzzle.

How to Redirect the Gas in Storage Tanks in Poppy Playtime Chapter 4

The first thing you'll need to do is start the flow of gas from inside the control room. You'll require a keycard to access the control room, which can be found inside the room atop the broken stairs.

Pull the jump pad close to the stairs and use the Purple Hand to jump on top of the stairs. Enter the room and look towards the left to find the keycard on the table. Grab the keycard and head towards the control room. Now, insert the keycard into the console and start the flow of gas by interacting with the terminal inside.

Redirecting the Gas

Now head outside and pull the red lever on the first pipe near the stairs to start the flow of gas into other pipes. Here's how you can successfully redirect the gas in Poppy Playtime Chapter 4.

  1. Pull the first yellow lever to switch the gas' direction from the A tank to the B tank.
  2. Observe the flow of the gas and turn the last lever to the left side of the C tank (see image above), to redirect the gas.
  3. Now you'll need to divert the gas back into the A Tank by turning the valves shown in the images above.
  4. Once all three tanks are filled with gas, turn the last lever on the pipes to divert the gas into the storage tank.
  5. Once that happens, you'll need to pull the red lever on the main pipe under the control room to complete redirecting the gas.

Repairing the Door

Once this happens, alarms will go off, and you'll need to exit the area through the control room. However, the control room's door is malfunctioning and nightmare critters are gathering outside the room to attack you.

To repair the door, grab the cogwheel inside the locker and head outside the control room towards the left side. Look up, and you'll see a handle to use the Grabpack on. Keep pulling yourself up in the air until you have a clear view of the door mechanism on top of the control room.

Now, insert the cogwheel into the door mechanism, and it'll be repaired. Quickly drop down from the handle and make your exit through the control room and into the next area of Poppy Playtime Chapter 4.

Poppy Playtime Tag Page Cover Art
Poppy Playtime

Indie Games
Survival Horror
Android, iOS, Microsoft Windows
October 12, 2021
unreal engine 5, unreal engine 4
How Long To Beat
54 minutes