Look I play a lot of call of duty and have 95% of my combat time is spent on zombies and with this new call of duty the game play and extra s*** you can do while playing zombies is awesome but when it comes to outbreak on call of duty Cold war and open world maps you can't beat it. It would be a mistake for Black ops 6 not put out break maps on the game personally. The round bases are fun and detailed but having an open map to do as you please brakes in between while playing to be able to strategize team up and pursue a mission to gather until as a team to like figure out why you failed what you didn't gather and what you need to gather next time to make sure you're victorious instead of getting mauled down and thought got to start all over. I've done played call of duty 6 zombies enough I went back to Black ops 2 play outbreak you just can't beat out break