My Posts(6)
See AllWhat's The Best RPG You Played In 2024, Old or New?
Oh man, what a question. It's the new or old part that makes it hard.
Dragon's Dogma 2 has been very enjoyable as the dynamic nature of combat and the world Make for a fun easy RPG to get into and get lost in. But over the last couple months I've been periodically jumping back in on a playthrough of Divinity original sin. 2 and my God that is a f*cking exceptional RPG. But I also just recently redownloaded cyberpunk and I'm finally getting to finish my playthrough and man. I'm having so much more fun with it now that I'm not distracted by all the other games that I was trying to fit time in for during my initial playthrough. So yeah I don't know what I'd say my best RPG of the year is New or Old. I guess three-way tie?
6 Best Open-World RPGs Without Level Scaling
I'm surprised Outward didn't make this list although very much an inde title Outward has no level scaling whatsoever and has a wonderful brutal open world, add to that the fact that your character is just a "regular person" with no special powers or mystical importance means you can be killed and even one shot killed be several enemies early on and late game. Kenshi should also be on this list. Another inde RPG hit with an amazing dynamic open world with no level scaling. It's deep roleplaying mechanics and alien setting make it all the more brutal as you can be in conflict with multiple factions at once and at any point move into an area controlled by alien slavers or giant space arachnids that vastly our power you. I encourage everyone to play both of these games.
How Do You Decide Which Platform to Play a Game on?
I have my PS5 and my laptop with Nvidia GeForce now. Now PS5 is primarily where I play and I have it for the really good exclusives and franchise that the PlayStation has. I use my laptop for the games that aren't releasing on PlayStation.
I was stabbed in my hand as a kid and have nerve damage in my left hand so came into the keyboard is difficult as I don't have the nerve sensation to tell where my hand is on the keyboard if I have to focus on the screen.
So I mostly only play like RPGs and indie games, strategy games and the like on PC. But every now and then I'll play like a shooter or a survival game that just isn't released for PlayStation consoles. About my fiance her switch so she'll gain quite a bit on that cuz she likes a lot more like portable gaming and the only game I would like to play on the switch is tears of the Kingdom which we have yet to buy.
If money was no object, I'd have an Xbox just for the sake of owning all the major consoles. However, since basically everything that's on Xbox can also be played on PC. It made no sense to me to spend the money on the series X for this generation.
6 Open-World Games With The Most Immersive Forests
I'm surprised that this article didn't just push to 10 games with how easy it would be if you included stuff like most of the games from the far cry series you could add in probably Hunter call of the wild or any number of hunting games because of their like realistic systems that are supposed to simulate real life wildlife. The survival game The Forest, I mean it's in the name. Lol And on top of that I think DayZ could get a nod cuz although it's not the most graphically impressive game being that it's a little older, but the fact that most of the maps are covered in Forest and the two official maps are completely forests. And the forests include deer and elk and other game animals. You can set hunting traps. There are wolves that run through the forest that attack players and other wildlife, make the force seem very dynamic and immersive.
I'm sure there are more, that was just off the top of my head. I do think the games included in the list are good choices though.
Avowed's Character Creation Restrictions are a Double-Edged Sword
I think this article highlights all the hopeful positives from being limited in our customization. Race selection for our characters. However, I do hope that the rest of the character Creator is very robust, not only from a build standpoint of class and traits and skills and abilities, but also just from a visual standpoint. I hope there's a lot of visual customization options, both for the for the character model itself and with armor and equipment most customizations.
6 Best Jedi Who Debuted In Star Wars Games, Ranked
I was more surprised Reven wasn't on the list, seriously. Thought for sure he would be number 1