Although Rockstar Games' Red Dead Redemption 2?is relatively polished compared to its considerable scale, the game is by no means without its share of bugs and glitches. One such bug was discovered by a player upon exiting the bathtub while playing as Arthur Morgan.

One of Red Dead Redemption 2's more mundane gameplay offerings is the ability to bathe. Players can do this by stopping at a hotel throughout each of the game's major locations and paying a fee to take an old-fashioned bath in a tin bathtub. However, players can also pay a larger fee in order to enlist the help of a woman to bathe.

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Beyond refreshing Arthur and making him appear more presentable after the wear and tear of traveling across New Austin, the function serves to add to?Red Dead Redemption 2's immersion factor more than anything else. Although, one player suffered unforeseen consequences upon getting an assisted bath at a hotel.

Immediately upon getting out of the bathtub, Arthur's character model is apparently highly disjointed. A glitch appears to have given Arthur a disturbing arched back with a bulbous neck and dangerously thin arms. He looks more akin to the protagonist from Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame, though other commenters in the Reddit thread drew comparisons to John Carpenter's The Thing.

While this is certainly one of Red Dead Redemption 2's funnier glitches, it isn't quite its most unusual. In the weeks following the game's initial release, other Red Dead?bugs experienced by players included an Arthur Morgan with a torso that could revolve 360 degrees, horses sinking into the ground, and a falling John Marston.

However, despite the bugs suffered by some players in Red Dead Redemption II, the game is one of the most immersive of this console generation. In fact, the game is so well-liked by many that one player started a petition to get story DLC for Red Dead Redemption 2. Of course, even if the petition gets an adequate number of signatures, the likelihood of Rockstar Games developing further single-player content for the game is fairly low. Plus, with the next Grand Theft Auto allegedly in development, story-based DLC for Red Dead Redemption 2?may lack a presence on Rockstar's list of priorities. Although, a fan can always hope.

Red Dead Redemption 2?is currently available on Xbox One, PS4, Stadia, and PC.

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Source: Reddit