Rick & Morty is a show that everyone has heard of at this point. The collaboration between Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland has been a runaway success that spouts endless memes and has shaped various facets of pop culture in both small and meaningful ways. The fandom for this show is massive and quite passionate, showing just how strong and engaging this series' writing really is.
Rick Sanchez is the beating heart of this show, with his rambling lines and rampant alcoholism contributing to some of the show's most iconic moments. The truth is that every line that Rick utters is pure gold, with the following quotes making it clear why so many people are totally enraptured with his character.

9 Things You Need To Know About Rick And Morty: The Anime
Find out what's in store for the Rick and Morty Anime adaptation initiated by Adult Swim in conjunction with Japanese animators
Updated on November 12, 2023 by Ritwik Mitra: Rick and Morty is one of the most popular comedy shows that fans can check out, with the antics of the main characters as they embark on numerous time-traveling adventures being a blast to witness firsthand. It's a shame that Justin Roiland's antics were unbecoming of such a prominent content creator, but the show has already left its controversies in the past and continues to move on, with Dan Harmon's genius writing driving the series.
13 "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!"
Season 1, Episode 5: Meeseeks And Destroy
It's only fitting that one of Rick's most popular catchphrases would serve as an iconic quote. He utters this phrase time and time again throughout the series, normally during moments of levity when he's either happy or cracking a joke.
What makes this even more hilarious is that this phrase actually means 'I am in great pain, please help me' in Bird Language. There's no denying that Rick's a nihilist, and this attitude stretches into every fiber of his being.
12 "I've Got About A Thousand Memories Of Your Dumb Little Ass And About Six Of Them Are Pleasant. The Rest Is Annoying Garbage. So Why Don't You Do Us Both A Favor And Pull The Trigger? Do It! Do It, Motherf-er! Pull The F-ing Trigger!"
Season 2, Episode 4: Total Rickall
Some of the concepts in Rick and Morty are wild, with viewers loving the crazy plot threads that unravel in each episode. Total Rickall is a classic because of this reason, featuring a ludicrous storyline that fans absolutely love.
The idea of a parasite burrowing into the minds of the Smith family and implanting false memories in them is a messed-up concept as is, and the way Rick and Morty adds a hilarious spin to it is just genius. At one point, Morty flips his lid and threatens to shoot his grandfather. Most people would get scared, but Rick stares down the barrel and unleashes a barrage of hilarious insults that never fail to make viewers laugh out loud.
11 "Well, I Don't Like Your Unemployed Genes In My Grandchildren, Jerry, But Life Is Made Of Little Concessions."
Season 2, Episode 4: Total Rickall
It's no secret that Jerry and Rick don't really get along. Both these men are at odds with each other for various reasons, and Jerry's weak disposition allows Rick to dominate and berate him whenever he gets the chance.

7 Rick And Morty Easter Eggs You Might Have Missed In High On Life
With Justin Roiland working on both animated shows and video games, crossovers are bound to happen, like these Easter Eggs in High on Life.
This quote is a hilarious example of the same and comes as a retort to Jerry trying to chide Rick for one of its intrusive science experiments. Rick never holds back when it comes to his insults, which shows why he has so many enemies in the multiverse!
10 "It's Just Rick And Morty! Rick And Morty And Their Adventures, Morty! Rick And Morty Forever And Forever, 100 Years, Rick And Morty's Things!"
Season 1, Episode 1: Pilot
The first episode did a great job of establishing Rick's character. He truly was a crazy scientist who was roping his grandkid into a lifetime of adventures that would be pretty grueling indeed.
The way in which he just ranted throughout the ending is pretty entertaining, with it being pretty clear that Justin Roiland was just ranting incoherently at this point. It's a trend that would continue in the series for quite some time.
9 "...What People Call 'Love' Is Just A Chemical Reaction That Compels Animals To Breed. It Hits Hard, Morty, Then It Slowly Fades, Leaving You Stranded In A Failing Marriage."
Season 1, Episode 6: Rick Potion No. 9
It's clear that Rick has a pretty heavy past that is slowly being disclosed in recent seasons. However, early on, all viewers had were glimpses into the events that turned him into such an enigma.
His crass description of love is pretty damning and shows just how broken Beth and Jerry's marriage really is. However, while the two are still willing to make efforts to fix their marriage, Rick prefers to be on his own instead.
8 "Morty, Sit Here. Summer, You Sit Here. Now, Listen — I Know The Two Of You Are Very Different From Each Other In A Lot Of Ways, But You Have To Understand That As Far As Grandpa's Concerned, You're Both Pieces Of S**t!"
Season 2, Episode 1: A Rickle In Time
In a way, Rick's no-nonsense approach to any given situation has to be praised. He can whip out the funniest lines at the drop of a hat, and this is no exception.

Rick And Morty: 10 People Rick Considers As Friends
Rick Sanchez in Rick and Morty is an unlikable grouch with countless issues, but he does have a few people he considers friends.
After reality itself starts diverging, Rick decides to chastise both Rick and Summer by telling them that their personal feelings don't mean anything to him. The fact that he brings out a whiteboard to prove his hate for them is simply hilarious.
7 "Go To The Garage, Transfer Your Mind Into A Younger Clone Of Yourself, And Get Embroiled On In Some Youthful Hijinks. What's The BFD?" So Here I Am. I'm Tiny Rick!!"
Season 2, Episode 7: Big Trouble In Little Sanchez
The episode where Rick decides to inhabit a younger body makes for a great change of pace. It lets Rick and Morty bond on a different level, although Summer is left behind in the mix.
It makes for a pretty fun episode, with Summer and Morty having their own spat as well. Of course, the manner in which Rick announced his new body to his grandchildren was a great highlight as well.
6 "I Want That McNugget Sauce, Morty!"
Season 3, Episode 1: The Rickshank Rickdemption
Rick & Morty is a show full to the brim with legendary rants, but none of them were as impactful as this one. The fact that this single rant ended up breaking the internet and forced McDonald's to release their limited edition Schezwan sauce proved just how power this show had.
The lines that appeared all around McDonald's were well-documented by everyone and showed just how much of a monumental event it really was. Rick & Morty has affected pop culture in many ways, with this one arguably being the most notable one.
5 "I Turned Myself Into A Pickle, Morty!"
Season 3, Episode 3: Pickle Rick
Speaking of iconic lines, it seems that the third season was a hotbed for Rick to go absolutely ballistic with his antics. Such was the case when he transformed himself into a pickle for no rhyme or reason. This episode was so out there, that it became a meme.
The big reveal ends up being rather hilarious because of Roiland's brilliant performance. The adventures of Pickle Rick make for a great change of pace from the usual happenings in Rick & Morty.
4 "Because I Don't Respect Therapy. Because I'm A Scientist. Because I Invent, Transform, Create, And Destroy For A Living, And When I Don't Like Something About The World, I Change It."
Season 3, Episode 3: Pickle Rick
The end of the Pickle Rick episode sees Rick finally appear for a family therapy session. He makes his distaste for therapy infinitely clear with this line.
It's a fascinating look into this character's personality that feels pretty grounded after the action-packed segments that preceded it. Moments like these are why so many people love the Pickle Rick episode.
3 "You Act Like Prey, But You're A Predator! You Use Pity To Lure In Your Victims! That's How You Survive!"
Season 3, Episode 5: The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy
Jerry is a consistent loser across the series, getting the short end of the stick time and time again. However, Rick realizes that Jerry's misfortune is something he uses to farm pity.

Rick And Morty: 9 Best Minor Characters, Ranked
Throughout Rick and Morty, plenty of minor characters have been featured in various episodes. These characters are the best of the bunch.
He mentions this in this scathing line of dialogue after he and his son-in-law go on an adventure of their own. It's a pretty memorable episode that many fans consider to be wildly underappreciated.
2 "Worse, You're Smart. When You Know Nothing Matters, The Universe Is Yours. And I've Never Met A Universe That Was Into It."
Season 3, Episode 9: The ABCs of Beth
Rick and Beth have a pretty complicated relationship. After all, what daughter wouldn't have issues after being raised by someone like Rick?
However, for what it's worth, Beth does get to bond with her father over the course of the show. This particular line comes during a heartfelt exchange where Rick shows that he does love his daughter... albeit in his own weird way.
1 "Eat My Ass, Jerry! He Turned Himself Into Akira!"
Season 4, Episode 1: Edge of Tomorty: Rick Die Rickpeat
Akira is one of the most influential and important anime films of all time. Given its sci-fi emphasis, it's obvious that this movie would be referenced in Rick & Morty at one point.
After Morty gets Akira-fied, both Jerry and Rick have a heated exchange. The former accuses the scientist of turning his son into Akira, to which Rick replies with a heated statement that places the blame solely on Morty. Of course, Jerry loses sight of the big picture and proudly proclaims that he can eat all the ass he wants in his own house.