- Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are getting a new DLC called The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero, which will introduce players to new areas and expand the Pokedex with over 230 Pokemon from previous generations.
- The DLC has already revealed 173 Pokemon, including old favorites like Bulbasaur and Charizard, as well as new additions like Ogerpon and Terapagos.
- Fan-favorite Pokemon like Applin and Duraludon are getting new evolutions in the Scarlet and Violet expansions, while the Galar teapot Pokemon gets a haunted tea caddy cousin named Poltchageist.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are set to become bigger games with the upcoming launch of The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero DLC. Split into two parts, this expansion plans to send players outside Paldea's borders and allow them to explore brand-new areas in the form of Kitakami and Blueberry Academy. Kitakami is a land inspired by real-life Japanese folklore and island life, while Blueberry Academy is a school excelling in the art of Pokemon battles.
However, these new areas aren't the only thing that makes the DLC for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet exciting. Just like the expansion pass for Pokemon Sword and Shield that came before The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero, the DLC aims to expand the Pokedex of Generation 9 by a considerable amount. So far, just a month before part one of the expansion releases, a number of Pokemon have been revealed ahead of time.
The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero's Confirmed Pokemon So Far
Ever since The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero was formally revealed on Pokemon Day back in February, a number of trailers have come out that have not only explained what players can expect of the DLC, but have also explained the new Pokemon fans will discover while showcasing a number of old favorites that players can expect to return. On the official Pokemon Scarlet and Violet website, it's been said that the expansion will add over 230 Pokemon from previous generations. Out of this number, 173 have been revealed alongside newer ones at the time of this writing.
The Pokemon in The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero known so far are listed below.
- Sentret
- Furret
- Ekans
- Arbok
- Hoothoot
- Noctowl
- Cleffa
- Clefairy
- Clefable
- Yanma
- Yanmega
- Vulpix
- Ninetales
- Gligar
- Oddish
- Gloom
- Vileplume
- Bellossom
- Corphish
- Crawdaunt
- Poliwag
- Poliwhirl
- Poliwrath
- Politoed
- Swinub
- Piloswine
- Mamoswine
- Aipom
- Ambipom
- Hitmonlee
- Hitmonchan
- Tyrogue
- Hitmontop
- Poochyena
- Mightyena
- Munchlax
- Snorlax
- Chimecho
- Chingling
- Seedot
- Nuzleaf
- Shiftry
- Okidogi
- Munkidori
- Fezandipiti
- Feebas
- Milotic
- Ogerpon
- Duskull
- Dusclops
- Dusknoir
- Minccino
- Cinccino
- Blitzle
- Zebstrika
- Golett
- Golurk
- Timburr
- Gurdurr
- Conkeldurr
- Exeggcute
- Exeggutor
- Litwick
- Lampent
- Chandelure
- Seel
- Dewgong
- Phantump
- Trevenant
- Grubbin
- Charjabug
- Vikavolt
- Cottonee
- Whimsicott
- Cramorant
- Beldum
- Metang
- Metagross
- Applin
- Dipplin
- Flapple
- Appletun
- Solosis
- Duosion
- Reuniclus
- Poltchageist
- Trapinch
- Vibrava
- Flygon
- Duraludon
- Archaludon
- Milcery
- Alcremie
- Raging Bolt
- Terapagos
- Iron Crown
- Bulbasaur
- Ivysaur
- Venusaur
- Squirtle
- Wartortle
- Blastoise
- Charmander
- Charmeleon
- Charizard
- Cyndaquil
- Quilava
- Typhlosion
- Chikorita
- Bayleef
- Meganium
- Totodile
- Croconaw
- Feraligatr
- Treecko
- Grovyle
- Sceptile
- Torchic
- Combusken
- Blaziken
- Mudkip
- Marshtomp
- Swampert
- Snivy
- Servine
- Serperior
- Tepig
- Pignite
- Emboar
- Oshawott
- Dewott
- Samurott
- Froakie
- Frogadier
- Greninja
- Litten
- Torracat
- Incineroar
- Popplio
- Brionne
- Primarina
- Rowlet
- Dartrix
- Decidueye
- Smeargle
- Sandshrew
- Sandslash
- Inkay
- Malamar
- Geodude
- Graveler
- Golem
- Doduo
- Dodrio
- Rhyhorn
- Rhydon
- Rhyperior
- Lapras
- Magby
- Magmar
- Magmortar
- Skarmory
- Shieldon
- Bastiodon
- Cranidos
- Rampardos
- Vullaby
- Mandibuzz
- Shaymin
- Jangmo-o
- Hakamo-o
- Kommo-o
- Espurr
- Meowstic
- Pikipek
- Trumbeak
- Toucannon
Out of this list, fans may find themselves spotting names that they don't recognize. That's because while a majority of the returning Pokemon have been revealed, ten new creatures have also been announced in the lead-up to the release of The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero. These include Ogerpon and Terapagos, the "box legendaries" of the DLC package, as well as the Loyal Three trio made up of Okidogi, Munkidori, Fezandipiti, new Paradox Pokemon Iron Crown, and Raging Bolt.
Interestingly, a few creatures originally seen in the Galar region are also getting new evolutions as of the Scarlet and Violet expansions. Fan-favorite Applin is getting a third evolutionary option in the form of Dipplin, a candy apple-like creature that fits in perfectly with sweets at the Japanese festivals that inspired Kitakami. In The Indigo Disk, however, Duraludon is getting an even bigger and better evolved form in Archaludon. On top of that, the teapot Pokemon from Galar has a distant cousin in Poltchageist, a haunted tea caddy that takes care of its allies in battle.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are available now on Nintendo Switch, with part one of The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero, the Teal Mask, releasing September 13.