The Shrine of Ocean's Fortune is one of the multiple Shrines located in the vast seas in Sea of Thieves. There are five journals that you can collect in this Shrine. Interacting with these journals is the easy part, but reaching them can be quite challenging, especially because of the puzzles that the players will need to solve beforehand.

Interacting with all the journals completes a Commendation and pops a trophy/achievement. High Seas grant more Gold and treasure from these Shrines as compared to Safe Seas, making it worth the trouble.

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Where To Find The Shrine Of Ocean's Fortune In Sea Of Thieves

The Shrine of Ocean's Fortune is located to the West of Sailor's Knot Stronghold on D14 on the map. Shrines can be easily spotted because of the multiple light rays spiraling around the area. Once you approach this light source, you can anchor your ship and dive down until you see a broken ship underwater in the distance.

If, by any chance, you acquire a Coral in the Bottle for this Shrine, you will be able to get the Breath of the Sea on a pedestal once you arrive at the Shrine. These bottles are scattered throughout the map and can be found on shorelines, near floating barrels, or at shipwrecks.

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All Journal Locations In Shrine Of Ocean's Fortune

As soon as you reach the massive door at the bottom of the sea, look toward it to find a small opening at the bottom that will allow you to swim inside. Soon, you will get out of the water on your right and can explore this Shrine.

There are multiple barrels and ammunition boxes throughout the Shrine that you must constantly be on the lookout for. Barrels contain food and throwables that can come in handy against the numerous fights you will encounter with Skeletons and Sea Crawlers.

How To Solve Each Journal Puzzles






Your Beautiful World

First Journal in Shrine of Ocean's Fortune in Sea of Thieves

As soon as you come out of the water, you will find some wooden pallets on your right with the first journal on top of them.


I'm Close, I Can Feel It

Second Journal in Shrine of Ocean's Fortune in Sea of Thieves

From the previous journal, go left to find a ladder that takes you up, head up the wooden ramp, then head left to interact with the Pulley. Once you pull the platform all the way down, go back and across it to reach an Anchor. Ignore this Anchor for now and head left into the room, then left of the statue to reach a Lever, and just before it, the second journal is on the ground on the left.


Love is Stronger than Hate

Third Journal in Shrine of Ocean's Fortune in Sea of Thieves

Interact with the Anchor and jump ahead twice to reach an area with the ladder. Go up the ladder to reach a small space filled with treasure and a Pulley to the right. Interact with the Pulley to bring the bow down. You can collect the treasure and store it at the statue nearby. Go back to the room with the Anchor outside and go inside on the right to find a ladder. Go up the ladder and use the Pulley to raise the Platform all the way up. Go across the wooden platform till you reach the other side. In this room, there will be a few skeletons that you have to deal with. Once that is done, collect the third journal up ahead near the glowing plant on your right.


I Have Failed You

Fourth Journal in Shrine of Ocean's Fortune in Sea of Thieves

You will see a Sea Crawler shooting bubbles in front of you that should deal with your weapon before going forward. Lower the Anchor on your right and jump instantly on the wooden platform up ahead. This moves slowly enough, allowing you to jump to the second platform to reach the area from where the Siren was shooting. Go up and then across the wooden beam to reach another Sea Crawler. Deal with it and go across another wooden beam to reach the ladder up ahead. Keep going forward to reach a wooden bridge with skeletons spawning near you. On the left, you will be able to see the red pedestal that will have Breath of the Sea, and on the right, the fourth journal on top of the wooden pallets near the plants.


Do Not Give Up Hope

Fifth Journal in Shrine of Ocean's Fortune in Sea of Thieves

Go to the wooden bridge and keep going up until you reach a room where more Sea Crawlers ambush you. Deal with them and go further up to reach the final puzzle area. This is quite a big one, and falling off can lead to you having to do it all over again. Interact with the Wheel to make the platform go right so that you can jump to it, and then go ahead to reach the area on the right. Going up, you will find another Wheel that moves a wooden beam. Once the large part of the beam is near, you can go across it. Go up the ladder and interact with the third Wheel to bring the beam to your left, allowing you to go across and reach the fourth Wheel. Turn the Wheel left until the beam above you is on the top left. Go up toward it, and go across to reach a statue. On the right, you can find the broken hull of a ship with the final journal lying on the floor on the right.

Once all the journals are done, head up the wooden bridge on your right to reach the Crow's Nest, which allows you to jump ahead to a small area with treasure. Collect the treasure here and store it at the statue.

Treasure in Shrine of Ocean's Fortune in Sea of Thieves

There is a chance you can find Trident of Dark Tides and Horn of Fair Winds, both of which are quite rare. This statue can store up to 20 treasures and allows you to travel back up to your Ship. A Merfolk will spawn near your ship, and interacting with them will get you all of the treasure you stored at the statue.

If, by any chance, you come out of the water to find your ship has been destroyed by other players, do not worry, as you will respawn at a different place on your ship, and you can sail back to this Shrine to find the Merfolk with your treasure.

Shrine Of Ocean's Fortune Journal Locations Video Walkthrough


March 20, 2018
How Long To Beat
130+ Hours