In the game, new Super Smash Bros. Ultimate characters get an iconic envelope that signals their entry into the game. Smash players may soon be able to get their own game-themed invitations, but only in Japan.

With the newest character Min Min added to the roster, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has been getting a lot of attention. With a large following all over the world, many would love to receive a letter with the special Smash emblem imprinted into the wax seal. Soon, some of these fans will have that ability depending on where they live.

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One website is capitalizing on the game's iconic item. Starting on July 15, people with accounts on the website My Nintendo will be able to receive their very own invitations in the Super Smash style. The website is selling a special stationery set in the Smash style, and the set includes stationery with specially sized envelopes and stickers that look like the wax seals. While it isn't exactly an invitation in the way new Smash characters receive theirs in the game, players can still stage their own character reveals with these letters.

The Official Japanese Smash Bros. Twitter account announced that these products would soon be available to players. However, the stationery sets will only be sold in Japan, since the website only delivers to its Japanese users. The gift set can be purchased from My Nintendo for 400 Platinum Points. Fans in the United States and other countries also would like to be able to obtain the stationery set as well, but there is currently no word on the product being made available anywhere else. Many fans are taking to Twitter in hopes that Nintendo will hear their voices and allow them to purchase it as well.

Much is going on surrounding the fighting game right now. The Smash community has had many upsetting allegations come to light, and because of this, a lot of changes are happening in the professional Smash?scene. However, the game itself has remained very much the same, and players can enjoy taking a piece of this game into the real world.

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