Soul Reaver 2 serves as the sequel to the story told in Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. Both of which are featured in the remastered collection Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered. This collection includes achievements/trophies for the original game, and for Soul Reaver 2. PS5 players get a single platinum trophy shared among both these titles. PS4 players, on the other hand, will get a Platinum Trophy for each game.

Some of these achievements/trophies will come by simply progressing the story, which is common practice among other games for an easy completionist run. Other achievements/trophies can have players needing to go out of their way in order to get them. There are 10 trophies in particular that players can completely miss — and should be noted down in advance.

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All Soul Reaver 2 Achievement/Trophies

Soul Reaver 2 by save point Legacy of Kain_ Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered-1

Players should save the game at various points to make achievement/trophy hunting easier. It is recommended they make a new save for each new area they enter. This way, they can attempt any trophies they might have missed. There is also a speedrun achievement/trophy, so certain trophies they missed can also be picked up at the same time. The Achievements/Trophies in Soul Reaver 2 differ significantly from those in the first game, such as how players will not be rewarded for taking down boss characters.

Full Circle

Get all the trophies in Soul Reaver 2

This is the Platinum Trophy for players of the PS4 version of the game. This trophy is not available to PS5 players.

Reaver Convergence

Upgrade the Reaver blade

This achievement/trophy will be obtained simply by progressing the story. The previous Soul Reaver game featured plenty of cheats to unlock new Reavers and upgrades early. A feature that is not included in Soul Reaver 2.

The Corruption of Pillars

Find and confront Kain

This achievement/trophy will be obtained simply by progressing the story. Raziel crossing paths with kain is a common element in the previous game, as well as in the follow up title in the Legacy of Kain franchise.

Darkness Is My Friend

Obtain the Dark Reaver

This achievement/trophy will be obtained simply by progressing the story.

Interview With a Vampire

Have a chat with Vorador

This achievement/trophy will be obtained simply by progressing the story.

Enlightening Sun

Obtain the Light Reaver

This achievement/trophy will be obtained simply by progressing the story.

History and Destiny Collide

Change history

This achievement/trophy will be obtained simply by progressing the story.

Ariel’s Lament

Listen to Ariel’s tormented spirit

This achievement/trophy will be obtained simply by progressing the story.

The Ruined Aerie

Discover the remains of an ancient civilization

This achievement/trophy will be obtained simply by progressing the story.

Lighter Even Than Kain

Obtain the Air Reaver

This achievement/trophy will be obtained simply by progressing the story.

The Tenth Guardian

Master the Aerie and meet the legendary vampire

This achievement/trophy will be obtained simply by progressing the story.

Ancient Flame

Obtain the Fire Reaver

This achievement/trophy will be obtained simply by progressing the story. This Fire Reaver is far more important to the story compared to the one that appeared in the first game.

Blade of Vengeance

Avenge Janos’ death

This achievement/trophy will be obtained simply by progressing the story.

On the Outside

Go to the Sarafan Stronghold before visiting Janos

Progress the story to when Raziel acquires the Air Reaver after draining the Air Forge. Head back to the time chamber, then travel to the Great Southern Lake, where you will be able to find the Sarafan Stronghold. This will unlock this achievement/trophy.

Drowned Rat 2

Make a human drown in a body of water

After obtaining On the Outside, or any of the other times, players find themselves here at the Sarafan Stronghold. They will have plenty of opportunities to knock one of the humans into the water. This will trigger this achievement/trophy to unlock.

Touch the Devil

Twist Fire Demon’s neck with your bare hands

Players will need to face one of the Fire Demon enemies with their bare hands and finish it off to cause the correct final blow.


Use an axe finisher on a Greater Thrall

Players will find axes on various walls. Players will find several rooms with both Greater Thralls and axes. Finish off a Greater Thrall with an axe, and this will unlock.

Keep Your Distance

Kill a fire demon groundling

Fire Demons have various attacks, but one of their attacks will be to summon a groundling. Kill one of these summoned groundlings to trigger this achievement/trophy.


Kill the fire demons within 1 minute at the Pillars during the Sarafan era

After obtaining the Fire Reaver, the player will encounter a group of 3 Fire Demons. Be sure to save often. If it takes more than 1 minute to beat these 3 Fire Demons, reload the save and try again.

Not Without Purpose 2

Glide for 25 seconds without using an updraft

There are numerous points where this achievement/trophy can be obtained. One such location is within the Subterranean Ruins. Climb up to the top and then just glide down in a circular fashion. You can touch down on the ground on the far north side. When you do, the achievement/trophy will pop.

Reaver of Souls

Feed the Reaver 30 times

This will come naturally over the course of the game by slaying enemies with your Wraith Blade. The Wraith Blade will automatically consume souls.

Harvester of Souls

Feed yourself 30 times

This achievement/trophy will also come naturally, but players can speed things along by simply shifting to the Spectral Realm and consuming some souls as they enter a new area of the game.

Air Lift

Lift an enemy into the air with the Air Reaver

Hit an enemy with the Air Reaver’s projectile attack for the first time.

Aerial Jump

Make a human jump into the air by using your feet in combat

Use the power attack button to trigger a combo. This combo will not occur if the player has a weapon or the Wraith Blade. They must be unarmed.

Scare the Crows!

Frighten all the crows surrounding the Dark Forge balcony

Players will notice plenty of crows in the game. Walking up to them will cause them to fly up and disappear in a green haze. While in the swamp, players will find the entrance to the Dark Forge. They will need to use their Wraith Blade to open a door to this forge. Opposite this door will be a balcony with numerous crows. Cause all 6 to fly away, and this achievement/trophy will pop.

Your Sacrifice Was Rejected

Bring the wrong sacrificial heart to the altar in Air Forge

Progress the story to the Air Forge where you will need to present different colored sacrificial hearts. Fail this by presenting an incorrect heart.

Finish Him

Use every type of weapon to finish the enemy

Whenever you find a new weapon, use it to finish off an enemy. Some weapons only appear in specific areas, so always be sure to use weapons you have never seen before. If you have progressed too far into the story, you will need to restart the game.

What Sorcery Is This?!

Kill three sorceresses in a row without being hurt

You will face off against numerous sorceresses in the latter part of the game. You will need to kill 3 of them without taking any damage. Make a save beforehand and reload to respawn some of them if need be.

Vertical Rush

Complete the Janos’ Aerie's final interior puzzle within 15 minutes

This will be obtained at Janos Audron's Retreat. Make a save before attempting this area. The final interior is simply a matter of moving up. Using projectiles, defeating enemies, using shields to open doors, and pouring chalices. Several players will obtain this on their first playthrough. Players that overcame the puzzles in the first Soul Reaver will make short work of anything Soul Reaver 2 throws their way.

Vampire Champion

Complete the game within 6 hours

Players will need to finish the entirety of Soul Reaver 2 in under 6 hours. Common speedrun times for the game are 3 and a half hours. Players can track how well they are doing from their save times and should skip all the cutscenes. As watching cutscenes counts towards their playtime.

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Soul Reaver 2 Missable Achievement/Trophies

raziel talking to moebius

While all of the trophies are listed above, some of them will become obtainable if you progress too far into the game. Here is a list of the missable trophies for players to watch out for.

  • Finish Him
  • Inferno
  • Keep Your Distance
  • On the Outside!
  • Scare the Crows!
  • Split
  • Touch the Devil
  • Your Sacrifice was Rejected
  • Vertical Rush
  • Vampire Champion