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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl will feature plenty of keypads throughout the game. These keypads will have corresponding codes in order to open them. It is very fortuitous that these codes will not randomize with each playthrough, and players can simply google the answer if they don’t wish to go through their regular channels.

Players will want to get their hands on the best weapons for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, but there are many different kinds to choose from. Players will want to try out as many as they can to find which guns will let them be the most effective they can be. For a lot of players, this means getting your hands on a powerful SMG.

Stalker 2: How To Get The RPG-7U Rocket Launcher

Players can get their hands on the RPG-7U Rocket Launcher in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl to instantly demolish a group of enemies.

How to Open the Chemical Plant Door in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl

It is worth noting that the Chemical Plant shares its name with one of the numerous map areas. This can mean players might be looking for one code but instead find another. The other 2 codes for this area will be included, just in case readers are at one of the other 2 keypads.

The Chemical Plant is a base controlled by of the game's numerous factions, the Ward. Players will need to progress in the game until they unlock the area as a safe zone — which can be done by obtaining the Ward Badge. Players will acquire this batch through the main mission, Back to the Slag Heap. Once inside, head to the north side of the complex. Players will find a helicopter. Look up and to the left to see an open window on the buidling to the north.

Make your way up to this window and vault over it to enter the building. Head down all the metal stairs and then to the south wall. Here they will find a keypad. Players will find the code for this keypad in the nearby watchtower. However, if players do not wish to make this trek, they can input the following code to unlock the door: 8506.

Inside, players will find the Zubr-19 SMG, along with a PDA that will mark a new stash on your map. While the amount of loot behind this door may seem a little low, this is a brilliant SMG. One that many players will get a lot of mileage out of.

If this is not the code you’re looking for in the Chemical Plant area of the map, the door code for the Army Warehouses Door Code in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is 0690. While the Promin CMD Factory Door Code in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is 1976. The first of which is also where players can get one of the journalist staches.