The most recent Disney Plus Star Wars series Ahsoka has been a fascinating entry to an already packed universe so far, but one thing that the series has undisputedly succeeded at is showcasing the capabilities of the Ahsoka Tano, played in live-action by Rosario Dawson.
Ahsoka Tano, a former Jedi Knight who previously appeared in the animated Star Wars: The Clone Wars series, has always had a strong connection to the Force and a love of justice, and occasionally mischief. Her role has changed with this older version of the character, but her various skills with the Force remain and have only grown stronger over time, as she has continued to harness new abilities while meeting up again with many characters from previous Star Wars media.
7 Telepathy
One of the little-explored areas of the Force and the abilities that it can provide is that of telepathy. While other Force users have managed to achieve this capability once they have died and become one with the Force, Ahsoka seemingly managed to use it while still alive.
In Rey’s final battle with Emperor Palpatine during The Rise of Skywalker, a film that remains controversial among fans, she hears a number of Jedi, notably some of the most powerful ever to live, speaking to her from beyond the grave. However, she also hears Ahsoka, who, as far as is currently known, was still alive at that time, meaning she, at some point, managed to unlock this Force ability in a way other Jedi could not.
6 Holding Back A Ship
One of the more basic ways in which the Force can be used in the Star Wars universe is to stop something in midair. People, objects, and even full-sized ships can be halted if the user wields enough power. As seen in The Clone Wars, Ahsoka Tano has great skill with this particular Force ability, which allowed her to pave the way for some of the best moments in the series.
Ahsoka wasn’t just able to hold back any ship; she was able to stop a ship with Darth Maul himself aboard. This impressive feat presented just how powerful her connection to the Force was. While never being comparable to her master, Anakin Skywalker, her abilities still surpassed almost any living being in the Star Wars canon.
5 Awareness
Of all the abilities that Force users come with, one of the rarer ones that Ahsoka has exhibited over the course of her appearances in the Star Wars universe is the awareness of the intentions of those around her. This is far more than just reading people well; it is about seeing naturally into a deeper part of the Force and feeling more about the world around oneself.
Being able to tell what others might be thinking, or when their intentions towards the Jedi and her allies are less than positive, enabled Ahsoka to survive in a number of difficult spots over the years. It was also the first indication of her Force sensitivity being greatly heightened beyond the average Jedi level, although, technically, she is no longer an actual Jedi.
4 Psychometry
There are a variety of different ways this ability is referred to in the Star Wars universe throughout different projects, and depending on who is using it, this ability changes in nature. However, Psychometry is one term for this power, which focuses on the Force user being able to sense the previous history of locations and objects.
This sort of sensitivity with the Force isn’t fully understood to date but does speak of great power and attuning to the nature of things. Ahsoka didn’t display this ability often in her younger years. Although this power is generally known to be innate to some Force users and impossible for others to learn, it is possible that Ahsoka picked it up later after surviving Order 66.
3 Force Visions
Working in a somewhat similar way to Psychometry, some Jedi users have been known to have a variety of visions through the Force, including Anakin Skywalker and Rey as well.
However, despite never being considered one of the true “chosen ones” of the Force and not coming from any of the more notable bloodlines in the known galaxy, Ahsoka has managed to have similar dreams. Besides these most powerful Force users, the ability has not been noted throughout the franchise. Though Ahsoka continued the idea that anyone can learn the Force with practice, few have ever reached such heights of enlightenment.
2 Stopping Darth Sidious’ Lightning
Another impressive individual case of Ahsoka’s more basic Force powers, such as simply moving something out of the way, the Jedi Knight proved that she was able to challenge some of the most powerful Force users to ever live in the Star Wars universe.
This occurred when Darth Sidious, Emperor Palpatine himself, challenged her and tried to fire a burst of Force lightning at her. Despite not being a match for Palpatine in a straight fight, Ahsoka did manage something impressive that few ever have - turning aside the powers of Palpatine. In combat with him, the best most Jedi have ever been able to do is deflect his deadly lightning with a lightsaber, making Ahsoka’s feat seem especially powerful.
1 Lightsaber Purification
One of the most powerful abilities, so impressive and previously unknown that it has yet to be fully explained within the Star Wars universe, Ahsoka Tano once managed to purify lightsabers taken from one of the Sith Inquisitors pursuing her.
This wasn’t merely an impressive act; the taking of these blades and changing of their color from the red of the Sith into white was far beyond the level of what most Jedi could dream of doing. It was also an ability that showcased Ahsoka’s mastery over both sides of the Force, putting herself perfectly in the balance between the Jedi and the Sith.