As a new?Star Wars?film approaches, it's easy to start thinking about how?Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order?falls into the canon and how the events of the game fit in beyond the story of the game. While a sequel could be in the works, there is plenty of story threads that could be wrapped up or explained in DLC.
For people not fully immersed in the canon and haven't watched every single movie and cartoon, the game has some explaining to do about its story elements. Spoilers ahead so if you haven't finished the game, go do that.
10 What Happens to Cal?
Telling stories that take place between other stories already told always runs the risk of creating a ton of unanswerable questions. With the end of the game's story, two Jedi are left roaming the galaxy and being incredibly on the Empire's radar. What happens to Cal between this game and?A New Hope??
Obviously, Cal didn't exist when that movie was made, but he does now, so something must have happened to this young Jedi, who would be in his early 30s at that point so it's safe to assume if he isn't running with the rebels he met an untimely death.
9 Does Vader Hunt Cal Aggressively?
As the Thanksgiving Day trailer for the game spoiled for people, Darth Vader makes an appearance very late in the game. Vader is made aware of Cal's presence and very much wants to kill him, so it would make sense that he just hunts him forever right?
The inquisitors can sense force usage, making it believable that Vader could too. There is no reason Cal could cause the Empire so much trouble, complete his mission and just bounce out.
8 Other Sisters?
The game features two Sith main enemies in the Ninth Sister and the Second Sister, which has some very obvious gaps in the numbers. Considering Cal is, as far as we know, one of the few Jedi in the galaxy openly using the force, so it seems odd that the Empire doesn't go after him with everything they have.
There is a strong possibility that some of the other Sisters are dead considering their role and how the Empire deals with failure. It seems that there are more inquisitors at the Empire's disposal so why wouldn't they try a little harder?
7 Do the Nightsisters make a comeback?
So the majority of the Nightsister's were killed before?Fallen Order?but Nightsister Merrin is the last of her kind but also an incredibly powerful sorcerer. It seems possible that she could rebuild her clan in one shape or another, especially since the Nightbrothers still exist.
It seems clear by the end of the game that she is dedicated to traveling with Cal and company plus she has a clear affection for Cal, platonic or otherwise. Whatever her journey after this game is, a deeper dive into her story would make for excellent DLC.
6 What happens to the Force-sensitive children?
This could be a very cynical way to look at things, but the Empire had the Holocron with the location of the children in it for way too long to not open it and look at their locations.
Cal very clearly thinks destroying it solves the problem but there is no way that Vader and the Ninth Sister would have used it as bait for Cal without opening it. It seems unlikely they are that dumb, so naturally, Cal might need to try and stop the Empire from hunting these children down.
5 What is the Empire doing with the Kyber Crystals?
The Empire has a mining operation set up to get Kyber Crystals, the crystals used in Lightsabers. While Lightsabers are not the only possible use, what could be the purpose of this high level of mining?
It could be a large army of Siths that never pans out or just an effort to stop people from building Lightsabers, not that it stops Luke between Episodes V and VI. It's an interesting tidbit that never gets expanded on during the main game, so returning to it in DLC would be interesting.
4 How does Vader Survive the ending?
I understand that Vader can't die at the end of this game because it's in the canon, but consider how wrecked the underwater base was when he was left in it.
The Force is powerful and it's not insane to think that he could have held off the water (that would probably fry his robotic parts) but can he hold it off and manage to back all the way up to an elevator to the top of the base and bail? Suspension of disbelief can only go so far and Vader is left in a position that seems very dire. With this ever be explained? Probably not.
3 How does the Force Detection work?
The opening of?Fallen Order?would have you believe that the Inquisitors are sitting around waiting to detect a force user and can drop everything to get there because they show up for Cal in like a couple of hours flat.
For the rest of the game though, Cal uses Force powers constantly and the Empire seems to be trailing him or caught off guard by his presence. This also means that all the Force-sensitive children could easily be found if they ever connect to it in any way. A DLC following the inquisitors could give insight and would make for some really interesting content.
2 How many Jedi did the Empire miss?
For everyone in the Galaxy to consider the Jedi "wiped out" the empire seems over prepared to just run into them on random planets. The number of Stormtroopers with close-quarters-combat equipment is high considering that the majority of rebels they fight would be equipped with blasters.
Sure, the Empire is aware of Cal and hunting him, but these troopers didn't get trained in a day. It's been a couple of years since the purge so there can't be that many Jedi running around right?
1 How did anybody survive on Planets with animals this tough?
A DLC story focused entirely on the tough people living on planets like Zeffo would be fascinating. Not only do the giant rats and weird ram-goat creatures just wreck Stormtroopers and Cal, but there also seem to be an infinite supply of them.
Imagine those aggressive animals just hanging out outside your house. The Empire did kick those people out of there but they must have put up an impressive fight.