
  • Stardew Valley Easter egg after 10k boot-ups impresses fans.
  • Players seldom reach 10k starts.
  • Message from developer shows appreciation for extremely dedicated fans of Stardew Valley.

A Stardew Valley player has shared an Easter egg that congratulates the player on booting up the game 10,000 times. The surprising find is one that the vast majority of Stardew Valley players will likely never experience for themselves.

There's no doubt that Stardew Valley is an extremely popular game, and one that many fans have spent hundreds - if not thousands - of hours playing. However, this little Stardew Valley Easter egg would require incredible dedication or addiction to the game to see for one's self, so many are happy to learn about it from a fan that's put in the time and effort to get to that point.

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In the Stardew Valley subreddit, user Oprima shared their discovery that the game shows a little message from its developer, ConcernedApe, after a player has booted up the game 10,000 times. The message appears when the game is loading, while the "Developed by ConcernedApe" screen is visible. While many knew about the ConcernedApe Easter egg that transpires if a player clicks on the logo, chances are most had no idea that there was a secret message for players who reach this incredible milestone. The message tells the player of their achievement and says that ConcernedApe is impressed.

Stardew Valley Fans Surprised By Secret Message

Many had no idea that the game actually keeps track of how many times it's played. Some players have likely seen versions of this message, as it starts congratulating the player once they start the game 100 times. There's also a variation of it for reaching 1,000 boot-ups. However, even the most dedicated fans of Stardew Valley have likely never seen this particular iteration of it. The game came out back in 2016, and even if a player had played it faithfully once per day since then, they wouldn't have yet reached 4,000 start-ups at this point. When asked, Oprima didn't say how much time they have in the game, but did express that they've spent many, many hours playing, as one could likely guess.

While many players have likely booted up the game more than once per day since buying it, due to taking breaks, installing mods, or simply restarting, this message would still be hard to reach. Adding to that is the fact that Stardew Valley has launched for numerous platforms, and many fans have played the game across different services and devices, reducing the number of start-ups on a single version of the game. It's a nice nod to the most dedicated fans of Stardew Valley.