A Capcom official explains that the developers are aware that players are rage quitting out of Street Fighter 5 matches, and they're working on a solution.

One of the biggest problem that fighting game fans face?when playing online is the annoyance of other players rage quitting when they know they're about to lose. Street Fighter V is no exception to this problem, but Capcom officials have now promised to find a solution and punish offenders.

In a post on the official Capcom blog, an official explained that they're aware that some players are rage quitting out of Street Fighter V matches to preserve their League Points, and that Capcom developers are?working on a long-term solution to fix the problem. However, the official admits that they don't have an exact date in mind just yet to launch said?solution. In its stead, Capcom will begin taking action as early as next week to punish existing offenders who purposefully disconnect from matches prior to a loss:

"That said, we are going to take direct action starting next week to punish those players who are abusing the system. This punishment will be severe for the worst offenders..."

Unfortunately, the method in which Capcom will catch said offenders isn't exactly streamlined. The Capcom official went on to request that Street Fighter V players upload footage of opponents rage quitting?via their PlayStation 4 Share function so that Capcom can track down the offending players. Any players who have already encountered rage quitters and weren't recording may be out of luck to ensure punishment for the sore losers, unless they're repeat offenders.

While some gamers do admittedly just lose their internet connection while they're playing, many others purposefully rage quit. Players generally do this?either because they're sore losers?or they don't want a loss sullying their record of online matches. Judging from the rating of the Capcom blog post, gamers aren't satisfied with Capcom's after-the-fact intention to fix the problem, especially since they're hardly the first developer in recent times that's had to come up with a solution.

In 2014, Nintendo programmed the online play for Super Smash Bros to seamlessly replace the online opponent with an AI bot if the opponent disconnected during the match, regardless of the reason why. In the following year, Mortal Kombat X developers created a 'quitality', a special kill move that can only be used if the opponent goes AFK or rages partway through a match by refusing to move their character anymore.

While it's good to know that Capcom realizes there's a problem, it would have been better if they'd put a system in place prior to the game's release. Some have already commented that Street Fighter V is incomplete and they're not happy about it, and this kind of oversight just adds to the issue. Considering that fighting games have been plagued by rage quitters since they first gained online capability, and that Capcom previously devised ways to deal with rage quitters in Marvel vs Capcom 3, it's inexcusable to not consider the problem prior to releasing a fighting game.

Street Fighter V is out now for PC and PS4.

Source: Capcom?Unity