With the release of Pokémon Sword & Shield’s new expansion, The Isle of Armor, players have access to 100 new returning Pokémon to draft onto their teams. But for those players who have already beaten the Isle of Armor and are starting to get bored of breeding the perfect shinies, what is there left to do?

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A monotype run has always been an interesting alternative for players looking to spice up a Pokémon campaign, and for some trainers, the allure of becoming the bad guy with an all dark team is just too fun to ignore. But choosing the baddies for their squad can be difficult, with trainers needing to factor in secondary type match-ups, move-sets, and abilities. Some dark-types would be great to use and others should definitely be avoided.?

11 Crawdaunt (Use)

The lobster bruiser Crawdaunt makes for a great wall-breaker on a trainer’s all dark team. With access to the ability Adaptability, which increases STAB (or same type attack boost) from 50% to 100%. By doubling the power for all of Crawdaunt’s water and dark-type attacks, it becomes an absolute monster. This makes Aqua Jet a viable damaging move, raising its base power from 40 to 80. This boost on top of Crawdaunt’s whopping 120 point Attack stat means that this angry lobster will be dealing some serious damage.

10 Liepard (Avoid)

The nasty little leopard can’t wait to weasel its way onto your team, but most players should put Liepard straight on the bench (or in the PC). Access to the moves Knock-Off and U-Turn give Liepard a fighting chance, but its incredibly poor stats make it a very bad kitty, indeed. This Pokémon is a route 2 or 3 mainstay and it shows.

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Evolving at an early level means that players would have access to a fully-evolved Liepard early in their run at level 20, but it would quickly fall?behind from their other Pokémon as their far superior stats leave Liepard in the dust. Not to mention that Liepard’s solo dark typing means it really has nothing to offer your team that can’t be found elsewhere.

9 Hydreigon (Use)

The evil dragon Hydreigon makes for a nice ground type check on any team thanks to its ability, Levitate. Its massive special attack stat of 125 and its access to the special attack stat boosting move Nasty Plot make Hydreigon a force to be reckoned with. Pair all of that with a timid nature and Hydreigon will be speeding around the battlefield with the best of them. This evil three-headed monstrosity is a must-have on any dark team. Too bad players will need to level their Zweilous up to level 64 in order to evolve them.

8 Thievul (Avoid)

With decent attack options and abilities in Unburden and Stakeout, situationally doubling Thievul’s attack or speed stat, this sly fox is ultimately undone by its dreadful stats. Despite Thievul’s access to Unburden, its low attack, special attack, hp, defense, and special defense stats make this Pokémon a very large burden to any trainer who selects it for their team. On an all dark-type team, Thievul holds no special place, outclassed in every role by other, better, Pokémon. This is one dark-type that players don’t need to snatch.

7 Mandibuzz (Use)

Nice bulky stats, good defensive typing, and reliable recovery through Roost all combine to make Mandibuzz the go-to wall on your dark-type team. This brutish buzzard brings down the house with its access to U-turn, Defog, Toxic, and Foul Play?making the most of Mandibuzz’s high hp?& defense stats. Not only does Mandibuzz have the moves to make it last, but its typing works well. Immune to ground and psychic attacks?while resisting dark, ghost, and grass, this bird is definitely the word.

6 Skuntank (Avoid)

This Pokémon puts the saying “say it, don’t spray it” to shame. With lower stats, worse moves, and less effective typing than Mandibuzz, Skuntank is just a bad stall Pokémon hoping to claim a critical role on a trainer’s team.

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While Skuntank’s stats lean towards acting as a wall on a trainer's team, its moves completely contradict this. With no access to solid recovery and a plethora of damaging poison type moves, Skuntank just can’t figure out what it wants to be. This confused skunk has no place on a trainer's dark-type team.

5 Bisharp (Use)

With a high defense stat and even higher attack at 125, Bisharp is the dark steel bladed chess piece every trainer should be using. With powerful STAB moves in Sucker Punch?& Iron Head and access to Swords Dance, Bisharp will be the fairy killer your dark team desperately needs. With access to Defiant and Inner Focus, Bisharp can choose between an increased speed stat or immunity to flinching. While both are helpful, Bisharp can really use the speed boost granted by Defiant, allowing it to put its foes into checkmate.

4 Malamar (Avoid)

Another Pokémon done in by poor stats and bad typing.,Malamar’s psychic secondary typing brings very little to the table, negating a few weaknesses but turning bug-type attacks into a 4x weakness. While the Contrary ability reverses stat changes, making Superpower a powerful boosting move rather than a last-ditch effort, the major stat boosts just aren’t enough to turn this squid topsy-turvy. Flipping this nasty squid over isn’t enough to make it right and it ultimately falls flat when compared to other less situational wall-breakers.

3 Grimmsnarl (Use)

With the Isle of Armor DLC making Gigantamax forms more easily obtainable than ever, Grimmsnarl is a great addition to any dark-type team. With the fantastic defensive typing of dark?& fairy and access to the ability Prankster, which gives speed priority to status moves, Grimmsnarl fits perfectly onto a dark team to set up walls in Light Screen or Reflect. With Gigantamax Grimmsnarl so available, trainers will have access to the devastating G-Max Snooze, an attack that deals big damage and acts like Yawn at the same time. With access to Spirit Breaker as well, Grimmsnarl is the special attack stall of player’s fairy-tale dreams.

2 Morpeko (Avoid)

This little Pikachu clone offers the fun gimmick of getting hangry during battles and swapping the typing of its signature move Aura Wheel from Electric to Dark. While it’s nice to have a type swapping attack, the predictability of changing every turn and Morpeko’s middling to disappointing stats leave its trainers wanting. With its highest base stat being speed at 97, it isn’t fast enough to overcome the all-too-common 100 speed stat Pokémon. Unfortunately for Morpeko, its cute face just isn’t enough to warrant its use.

1 Krookodile (Use)

Krookodile is the conniving crocodile every dark-type team should have. Its access to Stealth Rock, Knock-Off, Taunt, and Smack Down make Krookodile an all-around great set up and put down Pokémon. On top of all that, STAB Earthquake will bring every other Pokémon to their knees as Krookodile stomps the competition. With two incredible abilities in Moxie and Intimidate, Krookodile can either break enemies down or boost itself up. The killer croc of the Pokémon world is ready to snap into action.

NEXT: Pokémon GO: How To Beat Arlo (August 2020)