
How Ghost of Yotei Could Make Its Villages More Immersive Than Tsushima’s
Ghost of Tsushima's villages were one of the things that fell short in its open world, and Ghost of Yotei could improve them with a couple of changes.

In Hindsight, Ghost of Yotei's Biggest Change Shouldn't Have Been All That Surprising
Ghost of Yotei surprised many by introducing a brand-new protagonist, but this isn't the first time that Sucker Punch has done so.

Why The Infamous Franchise is Better Off as a Sleeping Giant
Infamous remains one of gaming's most unique superhero franchises, but a revival may benefit from more time out of the spotlight.

Ghost of Yotei May Just Be a Detour in a Long Journey
While Ghost of Yotei may chart a new course, it could still lead back to familiar shores, shaping what’s next without defining the journey’s end.

Why Ghost of Yotei's Atsu Is a Natural Evolution of the Ghost Persona
Ghost of Yotei's use of a different protagonist allows it to introduce an evolution of the Ghost persona, thanks to her story of underdog vengeance.

What Atsu's Quest in Ghost of Yotei Suggests About Her Fighting Style
Ghost of Yotei's Atsu is already setup to be different from Jin in a number of ways, but one of the biggest differences may be her fighting style.

Ghost of Yotei's Potential Wolf Companion Could Be a Great Extension of Tsushima
Ghost of Yotei's trailer showed protagonist Atsu befriending a wolf, and if that wolf becomes a companion it could feel like an extension of Tsushima.

Ghost of Yotei's Ideal Collector's Edition Item is Already Obvious
If Ghost of Yotei does receive a Collector's Edition like its predecessor did, one ideal item for it is already quite obvious.

Ghost of Yotei's Best Possible Inspiration For Its Guns Has a Very Different Setting
Ghost of Yotei is bringing guns to its combat, and another PlayStation exclusive could serve as the perfect unexpected blueprint.

Why Ghost of Yotei's Atsu Could Be a More Complex Protagonist Than Tsushima's Jin
Ghost of Tsushima's Jin Sakai may have been a fairly complex protagonist, but Ghost of Yotei's Atsu may take that complexity up a few notches.

Ghost of Yotei's Reveal Trailer is Proof That the Sequel Knows Its Audience
Ghost of Yotei's is mysterious, but one feature carried over from its predecessor may confirm the two games share similar spirits.

The Case for and Against Ghost of Yotei Receiving Its Own Legends Multiplayer
It's unclear if Ghost of Yotei will offer its own version of Legends, but if it does, there are a few pros and cons to consider.

Ghost of Yotei Could Do a Lot With One Legends Feature
While Ghost of Tsushima's Legends mode was an optional multiplayer mode, Ghost of Yotei's main story could do a lot with one of the mode's features.

Ghost of Yotei Separating Itself From Tsushima Sets Up the Franchise for Long-Term Success
With Ghost of Yotei going a different direction from Ghost of Tsushima, the franchise is set up for a lengthy success it might not have had otherwise.

PlayStation May Want to Look Toward the PSN's Highest-Rated Game When Reviving 'Deep Cut' IPs
Sony should look towards some of the highest-rated games on the PlayStation Store to get an idea of what legacy franchises fans want revived.

Why the Ghost of Tsushima Anime Could Be the Next Best Thing to a ‘Ghost of Tsushima 2’
Ghost of Tsushima's sequel is taking a surprising turn, but the announced anime teases an intriguing embrace of the first game.

If Ghost of Yotei Brings Back Legends, It May Want to Watch Elden Ring Nightreign Closely
If Ghost of Yotei plans to bring back Ghost of Tsushima's Legends mode, there are some things it could potentially learn from Elden Ring Nightreign.

Ghost of Yotei Could Pull From a Real-Life Japanese Tradition for Its Collectibles
In its efforts to be historically accurate in the best ways, Ghost of Yotei's collectibles could draw inspiration from a real Japanese tradition.

Ghost of Yotei Could Give Atsu a Special Ability That Kills Two Birds With One Stone
A lot of what Ghost of Yotei will feature remains unknown, but the game has a fun opportunity to give Atsu a compelling ability.

Ghost of Tsushima's Cut Content Explained
Ghost of Tsushima actually had some substantial content cut before it launched, including a different backstory for Jin and an entire location.