Chapter eight of The Last of Us Part 1 leaves Ellie alone and left to fend for herself, offering the player no comfort or knowledge of Joel's whereabouts or safety after the traumatic wound he suffered at the university. Leaving players completely in the dark, The Last of Us Part 1 tasks them with learning Ellie's more limited arsenal and moveset while taking on a hoard of infected. This chapter calls into question who characters can trust and gives players an in-depth look at Ellie outside of Joel's purview, showing just how far she has come from the naive 14-year-old players first met.

Throughout The Last of Us Part 1, there are constant references to the Fireflies, the anarchistic militant group equipped with the means and motivation to develop a vaccine for the viral fungus that has devastated the globe. Seeking this organization repeatedly puts Joel and Ellie hot on their heels, giving them ample opportunity to learn about the world left behind in the wake of their actions. Abandoned quarantine zones and displaced communities show the effects of their anti-authoritarian actions, and the Firefly pendants scattered across the world show the losses their once monolithic forces have sustained.

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This guide will show players where to find all three Firefly pendants in the Lakeside Resort chapter of The Last of Us Part 1 to assist in obtaining the "Look for the Light" trophy.

Lakeside Resort | The Hunt

Pendant 1 of 2 | Riley Abel


This first pendant in this chapter is acquired immediately when you gain control of Ellie and hints at the events of the Left Behind DLC. Check her backpack to find it.

Pendant 2 of 2 | Travis Kristof

Later in the chapter, Ellie meets David, and the pair will flee from a hoard of infected. Separating and reuniting in a large warehouse, David will boost Ellie up to some catwalks. After a bit of navigation before dropping the ladder down for David, a Clicker will exit a door to the left. Ellie can enter this room upon dealing with the Clicker; the Travis Kristof Firefly pendant sits on a crate in there.

Lakeside Resort | Cabin Resort

Pendant 1 of 1 | Paul D. Braun

Later in the chapter, after a short horseback chase, Ellie makes her way into a white and green house, pursued by Hunters. After exiting through the front door, this pendant is found on the floor of the wooden gazebo to Ellie’s right.

The Last of Us Part 1 is currently available for PS5 and is in development for PC.

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