Towers of Aghasba offers a broad and expansive world to explore, full of unique wildlife, strange plants, and dangerous threats to both the protagonist and the survival of the tribe. While you will start your journey as a small, shipwrecked community on Amani Island, it won't be long before players can reach the mainland and find out everything it has to offer.

Before players can embark on their journey to the mainland, they must first complete a few early story quests, as well as repair the bridge from the island to Aghasba that has since been left in ruins. To do this, players will need an understanding of how to build the Lutoro Bridge and complete the Bridge to the Mainland quest in Towers of Aghasba.

Towers Of Aghasba: How Long To Beat

The new survival game, Towers of Aghasba has gained significant traction. How long does it take to beat this new title?

How To Start The Bridge to the Mainland Quest

A player standing on the Lutoro Bridge in Towers of Aghasba

While it is one of the earlier quests in the Towers of Aghasba story, being given the opportunity to access the mainland will require that some prerequisites are filled. These primarily concern main quests prior to this, and shouldn't give players too much trouble. To prepare for the Bridge to the Mainland quest, players must first complete the following after establishing their first village:

  • Sowing the Seed - this will require planting the colossal seed and establishing the Temperate Ecosystem, the first one you will encounter in the game.
  • Food for the Soul - this will require building a Construction Table, a Cozy Farming Hut, and a Farm. After that, you'll need to plant some common seeds as lettuce crops and give them to Patihoon. Additionally, you'll need to craft a Storage Box from the Build menu when in your village.
  • Unleash the Hunter Within - players will need to scan three creatures with the Shimuscope as well as hunt two Skirtau and two fish. After that, you'll receive more weapons from Hoa that will prepare you to kill three Withered Razi and destroy the nearby Withered Nest.

Once this is done, you can head to the very northern part of the island and observe the Lutoro Bridge ruins. This will give you the list of required materials to resurrect the landmark.

How To Build The Lutoro Bridge

The Lutoro Bridge building requirements in Towers of Aghasba

Once players have observed the Lutoro Bridge and have the list of materials, it is then a matter of collecting the necessary items and bringing them back to the build site to complete it. To repair the bridge, you will need to acquire the following items:

  • 20 Wood
  • 12 Fiber
  • Eight Thatch
  • Two Nutritious Salad

The crafting requirements changed as of the November 24, 2024 patch. So, if you were playing prior to this and didn't complete the quest, it will look different to when you first started

How To Get Wood

Wood is one of the most common resources, so it will not require too much effort for you to get your hands on the material, even if you need 20 of them. These can be easily grabbed by looting loose Sticks off the ground, or by using your Stone Hatchet to chop down any form of tree. Trees will, of course, grant you more wood on most occasions, but will have a negative impact on your overall Amity.

How To Get Fiber and Thatch

Both Fiber and Thatch are relatively accessible resources, but it's a matter of luck as to which ones you acquire at any given time. Both Fiber and Thatch can be harvested from Bushes, however the loot is determined by chance. You are more likely to get Fiber, but you will occasionally receieve Thatch instead.

To speed up the collection process, players should plant Common Seeds nearby, as these will frequently grow into Bushes or Hay. In contract to Bushes, Hay has a much higher chance of giving you Thatch, so surround yourself with these plant types and you'll have both materials in abundance in no time.

How To Get Nutritious Salad

The Nutritious Salad recipe in Towers of Aghasba

While it is by no means difficult to acquire, players need to know exactly which plants to collect in order to even unlock the recipe for Nutritious Salad. In saying that, this won't be possible until players craft a Campfire. This is one of the first crafting recipes you receive, and will require the following to build:

  • Five Wood
  • Three Thatch
  • Two Flint

The only missing piece here, Flint, can be acquired by mining Stone Boulders. You'll need a Stone Pickaxe for this, which you can craft with four Stone, five Wood, and three Fiber.

Once you have crafted the Campfire, you can make a Nutritious Salad with one Allei Leaf and two Root. Allei plants can be found in your Temperate Ecosystem, and Root can be found in many trees and lootable roots, such as the Spindleroot. For the latter, you'll first need to craft a Stone Shovel with three Stone, six Wood, and four Fiber.

With the above materials in hand, players need only take them to the building site and submit them to complete the build and unlock a new region to explore.

Towers of Aghasba Tag Page Cover Art

PC, PlayStation 5
Dreamlit inc.
Online Co-Op
Unreal Engine 5