Towers of Aghasba is a title you can lose yourself in, as players gather resources, ward off evil creatures, and build a community for their fellow villagers to thrive in. As you discover new recipes and continue to evolve your crafting skills, you will need to have a knowledge of where certain materials can be found.

Among the many resources players will collect to build up their village is Dung. While it may not be the prettiest resource in the game, it is an essential component for many crafting recipes. With this in mind, an understanding of how to get Dung in Towers of Aghasba will help progress through the game.

Towers of Aghasba: How To Get A Mount (A Mount For Your Troubles Quest)

Players can get a Mount in Towers of Aghasba sometime after reaching the mainland of Ishaya region.

How To Get Dung in Towers of Aghasba

A player feeding two animals in Towers of Aghasba

As the name would suggest, Dung is essentially animal waste, so you'll need to encounter some wildlife in order to harvest this resource. Thankfully, this will happen organically as you progress through the story, as early as when you plant the Temperate Colossal Seed. With the seed planted, you will be met with an abundance of new visitors in the form of the many different wildlife in the game.

There are essentially two ways you can acquire Dung. The first is by feeding the animals, as this will act as a trade with the creatures. After consuming the food you offer them, they will drop Dung, along with some other items at random intervals, such as Fresh Eggs and Temperate Seeds. The former is particularly useful, as some animals will eat items, like Fresh Eggs, that are dropped by other creatures.

The other method of acquiring Dung is simple, but far less common, and will only apply to certain creatures. As you approach the more passive animals, such as the Harelope, they will be startled, which will cause them to drop Dung. It doesn't happen often, but it is a low-effort way of looting some bonus amounts of the resource.

How To Feed Animals

Feeding an animal in Towers of Aghasba

Feeding animals is a fairly simple task, but it is important to note that different creatures have different dietary preferences, so tossing a handful of Berries will be largely ignored if its not something a particular animal eats. In saying that, it's easy to determine what each of them eat, as players can simply scan each creature with the Shimuscope to find out what they eat, as well as what they will drop as loot.

To feed an animal, simply equip the item you wish to feed them with, then aim and throw the item on the ground. The mechanics work exactly the same as your character's bow and arrow, and you will know it has been successful as a wisp will appear between the animal and food as it makes its way over to eat it. Once they've eaten it, they will drop the Dung that players are seeking out.

Towers of Aghasba Tag Page Cover Art

PC, PlayStation 5
Dreamlit inc.
Early Access Release
November, 2024