It seems that in Towers of Aghasba, just like in real life, there is so much to do, but so little time. The in-game hours simply melt away as players gather resources, ward off the advances of the aggressive Withered, and help fellow villagers to grow their settlement.

The rising and setting of the sun can be somewhat of an inconvenience to players that are carrying out lengthy tasks, as the darkness of night can make it more difficult to locate the items or quest objectives you are after. Thankfully, you can control the time of day, you just need to know how to get and use a Tent in Towers of Aghasba to achieve this.

Towers of Aghasba: How To Get Dung

It might not be pretty, but Dung is an essential crafting resource players will need in order to thrive in Towers of Aghasba.

How To Pass Time in Towers of Aghasba

A player passing time in a tent in Towers of Aghasba

While it won't be readily available as soon as players launch Towers of Aghasba, it won't take long before you are able to dictate what time of day it is during your play session. To do so, you will require a Tent, which can be crafted from the earliest stages of the game.

Once you have a Tent, players can pass time by simply approaching and interacting with it. From there, you will be given options as to when you would like to "rest" until, which you can choose between morning, noon, evening, and night. This is a handy feature, as it removes any inconveniences caused by the current time of day in-game.

How To Get A Tent in Towers of Aghasba

The tent crafting recipe in Towers of Aghasba

As mentioned above, a Tent is one of the earliest crafting recipes players will acquire in their Towers of Aghasba playthrough, so all you need to do is complete the first mission or so until you're able to make one. You will, however, need to collect the necessary materials for crafting, which is where the real work comes in. To build a Tent, players will need to get their hands on the following:

Thankfully, these items are relatively easy to come by. Thatch can be collected by harvesting Bushes, although it may take a couple of attempts as your loot is based on chance. The same goes for Tree Bark, which can be acquired by cutting down trees with your Stone Hatchet. Hide is perhaps the most difficult to obtain (but, nonetheless, isn't particularly difficult), as you will need to hunt animals and loot them for Hide.

When it comes to Hide, the easiest time to do this is after you've planted the Colossal Temperate Seed, as the tree it bears will encourage wildlife to the site. It is also worth scanning each creature with the Shimuscope, as observing the animal will let you know whether they have a chance of dropping Hide when hunted.

Towers of Aghasba Tag Page Cover Art

PC, PlayStation 5
Dreamlit inc.
Early Access Release
November, 2024