Towers of Aghasba tasks players with the duty of restoring a stunning world that has been overrun by Withered creatures and a toxic gas that is almost impossible to live in. It's not all grim, however, as restoring the once brilliant temples of Aghasba can rid the mainland of the evil threat, but it does require venturing into the toxic and dangerous Withered Zones.

Given the poisonous fumes in Withered areas, players will need to be resourceful and efficient to ridding each of the game's regions of the evil menace before their tolerance for the haze expires. As such, as knowledge of how to survive Withered Zones in Towers of Aghasba will significantly increase your chances of cleansing the island.

Towers of Aghasba: How To Fast Travel

Players can use Portals to fast travel between certain points in Towers of Aghasba; here’s how to unlock the teleport feature.

Where To Find Withered Areas in Towers of Aghasba

A player using their bow in a Withered Zone in Towers of Aghasba

As players will discover early in Towers of Aghasba, the Shimu have returned to their former homeland in the hopes that they can regain what they once lost. Unfortunately, it had been some time since they were last in Aghasba, and it has since been taken over by sinister Withered beasts, which now occupy the majority of the mainland. As such, players will need to traverse this uncharted territories in order to restore Aghasba to its former glory.

To find a Withered Zone, simply cross your map border to an area that is not marked in green, as it would not yet have been discovered by rebuilding the temple. You will know when you're in one as the screen will turn a dark grey and you will hear a lot of wind. On top of that, a small circular meter will appear just above your health, to indicate how much exposure to the Withered toxins you can withstand. Once that meter runs out, you will quickly begin losing health until you die.

How To Survive Withered Territories

A Withered Antidote in Towers of Aghasba

While Withered areas can be very challenging when you first encounter them, there are some strategies you can use to lengthen the amount of time you are able to last. At the very least, this will give you the opportunity to restore the region's portal by using your Amity, which will allow you easy passage to the temple to rebuild it. There are two main methods of staying alive in Withered Zones:

  • Withered Antidotes
  • Clear Sky Plants

Clear Sky plants are very easy to spot, as they glow a bright blue in Withered areas. To use them, simply approach and press the harvest button, which will cause your Withered tolerance meter to replenish. Small plants will give you a moderate amount of resistance, whereas harvesting from the large trees will, naturally, give you far more time to withstand the haze.

Alternatively, you can also use Withered Antidotes to replenish your tolerance meter. These will be available once you cross the Lutoro Bridge to Midhaven and establish the settlement there. You will need to build an Alchemy to have the option to craft these elixirs, as well as the recipes. To make them, you'll need the following:

  • Simple Withered Antidote - one Mushroom Cap, three Withered Tar
  • Greater Withered Antidote - one Reapershroom, five Withered Tar.

To find Reapershroom, you'll need to harvest it in the Arid area in the west with an Iron Shovel, or loot them by killing Withered Snags (giant hands).

You can also acquire the recipe for Greater Withered Elixir, which will make you immune for 30 minutes, once you restore the Sky Temple in the far north. This requires one Ichor, one Venom Sac, and one Giant Saliva.

Towers of Aghasba Tag Page Cover Art

PC, PlayStation 5
Dreamlit inc.
Online Co-Op