
  • Ubisoft upgrades many games with FPS boosts, enhancing gameplay and immersion.
  • Recent patches by Ubisoft make games more enjoyable post-launch.
  • Players can expect smoother gameplay and enhanced visuals with the 60FPS upgrades.

Ubisoft has become a developer renowned for their post-launch support, with many of their games receiving countless patches and updates after their release to keep them fresh and accessible for players to enjoy. While this obviously applies to their live service games where the multiplayer experience is always being tinkered with and altered, it even refers to single-player titles too, which tend to receive a graphical boost, alongside an enhanced frame rate.

8 Ubisoft Games With The Scariest Encounters, Ranked

These scary encounters from Ubisoft games might take players by surprise and are not for the faint of heart.

Over the past few years, Ubisoft has enhanced the FPS of numerous games as a way to encourage players to dive back in for another playthrough, which is far from a bad idea considering how fun a lot of them are. With the gameplay looking and feeling a lot smoother, it makes the game all the more fun and immersive to play, and though it might look like a small upgrade on paper, a 60FPS perspective can drastically change the experience as a whole.

8 Far Cry: New Dawn

The Recent FPS Boost Helps Put Into Perspective Just How Breathtaking New Dawn's World Really Is

Far Cry New Dawn Tag Page Cover Art

First-Person Shooter
Top Critic Rating: 73/100 Critics Recommend: 54%
February 15, 2019
M For Mature 17+ Due To Blood, Intense Violence, Mild Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Use of Alcohol
PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4
Ubisoft, Ubisoft Montreal, Ubisoft Kyiv
OpenCritic Rating

New Dawn is a standalone expansion to Far Cry 5, and though its map is only roughly a quarter of the size, it's well worth jumping into for a quick and easy run-and-gun playthrough, especially now that the frame rate has been upgraded. When it was on 30FPS, while the game still looked great, the blurriness could sometimes make it hard to appreciate the vibrancy of the world, which is packed full of bright pinks, blues and greens, due to years of lingering radiation.

With the modern version of the game though, it's easy to get distracted in between missions from just admiring the environment, which certainly isn't a bad thing. Nobody should expect New Dawn to provide a deep or complex story anywhere near the level of Far Cry 5, but the addictive FPS gameplay, paired with the breathtaking visuals, and 60FPS compatibility, still make for a fantastic game.

7 Star Wars: Outlaws

Players Can Target 60FPS To Have A Smoother Time Cruising Around Outlaws' Planets

Star Wars Outlaws Tag Page Cover Art

Top Critic Rating: 75/100 Critics Recommend: 66%
August 30, 2024
T For Teen // Violence, Simulated Gambling, Mild Language
Massive Entertainment
OpenCritic Rating

Though Star Wars: Outlaws has technically had a 60FPS option since launch, the game itself has still been patched numerous times by Ubisoft, to where it's now a lot more enjoyable than it was when it came out. The main focus for Ubisoft was fixing the stealth, which now feels a lot more challenging and less gimmick-heavy. Setting the display to 60FPS is the best way to feel truly immersed in Outlaws' environments, which is really where the game truly shines.

Best Star Wars Games Ever, Ranked

On top of many successful movies, the Star Wars franchise has also seen a whole host of incredible games that have brought its universe to life.

From back-alley bars filled with bounty hunters and merchants to giant facilities crawling with deadly Stormtroopers, all of these areas truly feel alive and lived in thanks to the bolstered frames and realistic enemy animations. As far as Star Wars games go, Outlaws is a pretty good time for longtime fans and newcomers to the franchise alike.

6 Watch Dogs: Legion

Ubisoft Gave Watch Dogs Legion A Next-Gen Upgrade Not Long After Release

Watch Dogs Legion Tag Page Cover Art

Top Critic Rating: 74/100 Critics Recommend: 60%
October 29, 2020
M For Mature 17+ // Blood and Gore, Drug Reference, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Use of Alcohol
OpenCritic Rating

Initially, Ubisoft's ambitious third entry in the experimental Watch Dogs series was only able to run at 60FPS on PS5. However, an upgrade to 60 frames was promised as part of the game's road map, and it's fair to say that it makes a pretty big difference. It adds a lot of realism to London as an area, and makes the driving, and of course, the hacking, even more fun and responsive.

With Legion, there technically isn't a main character, as players are tasked with assuming control of other civilians they find on the street to make up their mini-army of hackers. It's an interesting mechanic, and one which works surprisingly well due to how diverse the members can be in their abilities. Thanks to Ubisoft's 60 FPS upgrade, the game plays better than ever, and is still one of the best-looking games they have put out in recent years.

5 For Honor

Having A High FPS Is Crucially Important For A Fighting Game As Intense As For Honor

For Honor Tag Page Cover Art

Top Critic Rating: 77/100 Critics Recommend: 58%
February 14, 2017
M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence
Xbox One, PC, PlayStation 4
Ubisoft Montreal
OpenCritic Rating

Though For Honor is technically a fighting game at its core, it also borrows a lot from MOBAs and team shooters to create an utterly unique experience that really can't be compared to anything else out there. Because of how precise players need to be with their swings, dodges, and parries, having 60FPS will provide a huge advantage over the standard 30.

As a result, Ubisoft was quick to add a 60FPS upgrade right after the PS5 launched, and with the game still being updated to this day, it's packed full of content to enjoy, and also includes a lengthy progression system. While it can be a little tricky to get into at first, it feels very rewarding to stick with For Honor and learn all of its hidden systems which will pay off in the heat of battle.

4 Far Cry 5

Driving Around Hope County And Liberating Outposts Has Never Felt Better

Far Cry 5 Tag Page Cover Art

Top Critic Rating: 82/100 Critics Recommend: 80%
March 27, 2018
M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Use of Drugs and Alcohol
PC, PlayStation 4, Stadia, Xbox One
Ubisoft Montreal, Ubisoft Toronto
OpenCritic Rating

Far Cry 5 is often seen by fans as one of, if not the best entry in the series, which is certainly saying something given how critically acclaimed many of these games are. What makes it so much fun to play, outside of the intriguing story and memorable characters, is the amount of freedom gifted to the player. While there's plenty of jaw-dropping scenic routes to enjoy as part of the beautiful Hope County, the map also contains more than enough Peggy outposts to liberate, ensuring players always have something to do.

Speaking of the map, Far Cry 5's Hope County is split between three different regions, each ruled by one of Joseph Seed's brutal subordinates, which adds a ton of variety to the environments and enemy types. In early 2023, Ubisoft decided to breathe new life into the fan-favorite game by giving it an enhanced FPS upgrade, making for one of the very best open world games on the PS5 right now.

3 Rainbow Six Siege

Siege's Twitch-Reflex Gameplay Is Made All The More Intense And Immersive Thanks To The Boosted Frame Rate


Top Critic Rating: 76/100 Critics Recommend: 55%
December 1, 2015
M for Mature: Blood, Drug Reference, Strong Language, Violence
Ubisoft Montreal
OpenCritic Rating

As a highly competitive tactical FPS that requires twitch-like reflexes, Rainbow Six Siege essentially needs to run at a higher frame rate to be responsive enough for players to enjoy. Being able to quickly swing around a corner or throw down a grenade or gadget at the last second can make or break a round, so thankfully, PS5 players will have a 60FPS option to keep them up to speed during a match.

Rainbow Six Siege: 7 Must-Needed Changes For Siege X

Siege is receiving a massive overhaul, and these are the areas fans most want to see receive an upgrade.


Siege has been one of Ubisoft's most consistent games in terms of post-launch support, with new Operators being added every few months, along with plenty of balance adjustments to maintain a fair playing field. The hotly anticipated Siege X is going to be shaking things up a lot, so there's never been a better time for fans of fun and fluid FPS games to dive into Rainbow Six Siege.

2 Assassin's Creed Syndicate

Take A Leap Of Faith Into Victorian London With New And Improved Gameplay And Visuals

Assassin's Creed Syndicate Tag Page Cover art

Top Critic Rating: 77/100 Critics Recommend: 63%
October 23, 2015
M for Mature: Blood, Drug Reference, Strong Language, Violence
PS4, Xbox One, PC, Stadia, Amazon Luna
OpenCritic Rating

Near the end of 2024, Ubisoft took everyone by surprise when announcing a seemingly random update for Assassin's Creed Syndicate, which allows the game to run at a smooth 60 FPS. The game itself is a decade old at this point, which is why nobody saw it coming, but Syndicate still holds up as an incredible entry which harkens back to the more stealth-based core gameplay of the originals.

As players navigate their way around an immensely detailed Victorian London, they'll be free to switch between Jacob and Evie; twins who possess different abilities and strengths to make them useful in different scenarios. The villain and overall story isn't the best that the series has to offer, but gameplay-wise, Ubisoft knocked it out of the park with Syndicate, especially with the parkour, which is arguably the best in the entire series.

1 Assassin's Creed Origins

Experience Bayek's Epic Adventure Through Ancient Egypt In Smooth 60FPS

Assassin's Creed Origins Tag Page Cover Art

Action RPG
Top Critic Rating: 85/100 Critics Recommend: 87%
October 27, 2017
M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Drug Reference, Intense Violence, Nudity, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Use of Alcohol
Xbox One, PC, PlayStation 4, Stadia
OpenCritic Rating

In the lead up to Assassin's Creed Mirage, Ubisoft decided to randomly upgrade one of the most well-received modern entries in the series, Origins. While Origins is fondly looked back on by many for its stunning open-world depiction of Ancient Egypt, it was also the game that took the series into more of an RPG route. However, Origins still manages to keep the traditional stealth as part of the gameplay, and with the addition of Bayek's eagle, it makes scouting out enemy camps even more enjoyable.

The 60FPS upgrade makes the gameplay much smoother, especially since it allows Bayek to feel more responsive and less like a walking tank. This can help out a lot in parkour sections, but also when sneaking around, where bumping into a random wall can prove costly. Origins also has a plethora of great DLC expansions, especially Curse of the Pharaohs, which can all be enjoyed in buttery 60FPS on the PS5.

8 Most Revolutionary Ubisoft Games

Ubisoft managed to set a new bar with these games, which ended up revolutionising the industry thanks to their systems and mechanics.