Valorant, Riot Games' highly competitive multiplayer shooter, has already been slammed by cheaters. To its credit, Riot has dealt with the cheaters swiftly and with no leniency. However, a comment during Valorant's beta insinuated some of these cheaters might get a second chance. Now that Valorant's launched, that's proving incorrect. Cheaters are remaining banned.

Riot Games CEO Nicolo Laurent posted an exchange between himself and a banned Valorant player on Twitter. The Twitter user said he was excited that he'd be given a second chance for launch. After making a new account, though, he found he was still banned. Laurent's response to the cheater was, "Sorry, no second chance for cheaters."

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As of mid-May, Riot had confirmed that over 10,000 cheaters had been banned from Valorant. Just a matter of days later, Riot confirmed another 1,600 banned cheaters, implying that Riot was rolling out significant amounts of bans every single day. It can likely be assumed that many, many more have been banned between then and launch on Tuesday, June 2.

Riot's decision not to allow any cheaters a second chance is unlikely to be a controversial one. It's less that gamers aren't the forgiving sort, but more that cheaters in competitive online shooters continue to be very prevalent. So long as Valorant players still have to deal with cheaters from time to time, they'll be supportive of permanent bans. And Riot apparently agrees.

Valorant is available now on PC.

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