Games Workshop has announced a new wave of models for the Adepta Sororitas in?Warhammer 40K.?Reveals made at Warhammer Fest have showcased a wide variety of new models for the Sisters of Battle, from new elite infantry picks to a stunning?new leader in a suit of Paragon armor.
The new array of models rounds out the Adepta Sororitas range, alongside the long-awaited announcement of a codex containing the recently revitalized Sisters catalog. This comes as the first part of a wave of?Warhammer 40K?tabletop announcements, with the breadth of the new models coming as somewhat of a surprise for a faction?that has already seen a great deal of care as of late.
The?highlight of the announcements was High Abbess Morvenn Vahl, the supreme commander of the Adepta Sororitas. In short, she's set to be one of the?army's most powerful warriors- standing alongside even the Saints of the Sororitas. This is alongside four other character models, the banner-bearing Aestred Thurga with Hagiolater Agathae Dolan, and the generic Palatine and Dogmata?heroes. This brings the army to an impressive 16 character options, which gives a freedom of choice?beginning to rival that of the iconic Space Marines.
Non-character offerings were the elite, shielded Celestian Sacresancts, the towering Paragon Warsuit, and the armored Castigator battle tank, giving the Adepta Sororitas?a variety of new heavy options. Recent successes in the competitive Warhammer 40k?scene for the Sororitas might get driven into overdrive by the arrival of these new units and their codex- much like has happened with the Drukhari codex recently. While not discussed at Warhammer Fest, it's likely that the Sisters of Battle will see representation in the upcoming Warhammer x?Magic: The Gathering?crossover.
The Sisters of Battle have recently received representation off the tabletop as well, with a major update to VR title?Battle Sister. Games Workshop seem keen to promote the Sisters of Battle right now, after a successful reboot of the faction in 2019. Fans of the fanatic battle-nuns have plenty to get into in the near future.
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Source: Warhammer Community