
  • One Piece characters smile in battle because they enjoy fighting.
  • Fighting may be the ultimate form of freedom for these characters.
  • Smiling shows confidence in combat and keeps scenes less grim.

One Piece, although it does have its darker moments, is a generally lighthearted show. More often than not, through the protagonist Luffy’s boundless optimism, One Piece keeps its humor in some of the darkest situations. Although there are moments that are incredibly serious and are treated with respect, almost any other time in the series, the characters, especially the pirates, are just trying their best to have a good time.

However, although the endless joy that many One Piece characters have is nice to see, sometimes this happiness spreads to some strange places. Most significantly, during fight scenes, rather than treating the moment as a potential battle to the death, most of One Piece’s strongest characters have the strange quirk of smiling in these dangerous scenarios. Many fans have wondered why these characters smile in such a bizarre circumstance, and, although it might seem simple at first, it actually shows off an important truth about One Piece as a whole.

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Many One Piece Characters Smile While They Fight

Although It Makes Sense In One Piece It's Odd To The Average Viewer

In One Piece, compared to other anime, many fight scenes are treated with less gravitas than usual. Most of the time, rather than treating fight scenes as serious battles, many One Piece fight scenes are comedic and joyous, rather than dark and grim. This phenomenon is best exemplified by Gear 5. Despite Luffy’s Gear 5 form first being introduced in one of the most desperate struggles for survival in the series, the battle against Kaido on Wano, this ability makes even the worst battle a hilarious encounter with its rubbery reality-warping effects.

Don't start a fight if you can't end it. - Sanji

However, Luffy isn’t the only character who smiles while fighting. Characters like the former Pirate King, Roger, Garp, Oden, and many more all seem to revel in battle. While this may seem strange in the real world, as well as in other anime worlds, in the world of One Piece it seems more common to smile in the face of danger.

One Piece Characters Simply Love To Fight

Fighting For These Characters Is Like A Hobby

Gear 5th Luffy
  • One Piece Characters Smile In Battle Because They Enjoy Fighting
  • Fighting May Be The Ultimate Form Of Freedom

The first and most obvious answer as to why One Piece characters smile when they fight is because they enjoy fighting. Characters like the Navy Hero, Garp, and Roger relish testing their might against stronger opponents and long for the thrill of facing off against a strong foe. To them, this is their best form of entertainment and is incredibly fun, so it seems fairly obvious that they’re going to smile.

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However, although this is the most apparent answer, there are other reasons why One Piece characters smile in the face of battle. For some One Piece characters, the battlefield is the ultimate form of freedom, allowing them to fully unleash their full potential. This is especially true when these characters are fighting to make their dreams in One Piece a reality. In many ways, especially for someone like Luffy, fighting with a smile and a goofy arsenal of attacks is the ultimate expression of freedom. Plus, with the addition of Gear 5, it would be weird to not see Luffy’s smile while he’s fighting.

One Piece Characters Smile To Show Their Confidence

Acting Nonchalant In Battle Helps Inspire Confidence

One Piece Doflamingo Laughing

Another reason that One Piece characters may smile frequently while fighting may just be a way that Oda conveys the confidence of characters in combat. By showing a character with a nonchalant and joyous attitude in some of the largest One Piece fight scenes that would be dangerous to many others, it shows that the character should be able to handle the threat before them. Although this isn’t always the case, oftentimes, when Luffy loses his smile while fighting, it tends to be around the same time when he loses the upper hand in combat.

There comes a time when a man has to stand and fight! - Usopp

In the end, although it may seem weird that One Piece characters smile so much, their joy in the face of battle helps fight scenes from becoming too grim. Things like Roger’s massive smile and Gear 5’s goofy antics make even the most dangerous of circumstances feel silly and fun. However, at the same time, the constant smiles of One Piece characters set up more serious moments as well, rather than taking away from them. When the smile vanishes from a character's face, that’s when the audience knows that things are going to take a much darker turn.