Wolfenstein: The Old Blood?is being released on the Xbox Series X after a deal between Bethesda?and Xbox Game Pass. The series made a comeback in 2014, with?The Old Blood being released in 2015. In the game, players can unlock perks by completing certain requirements. Perks can assist the player, offering bigger ammo sizes or a boost to health.

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With the game being released, some newer fans might be confused on how to unlock the perks. Some of the requirements can be done on any level, while others are only available in specific missions. With this knowledge, the perks should come easily.

16 Armor Upgrade I


This is the first upgrade players can get for armor. It is required for the player to pick up 100 helmets from enemy soldiers after defeating them in combat. It should come easily, as players can shoot helmets off their dead enemies.

The reward for collecting 100 helmets is worth it. Players will be able to overcharge their armor, boosting it beyond 100. This can give the player a huge benefit against large waves of enemies.

15 Armor Upgrade II

The logo for Armor Upgrade II from the game

This next upgrade goes hand-in-hand with the previous one. Players will need to boost their armor past 200. This can be done by hoarding armors and enemy soldier's helmets. It might seem difficult, but players can learn where the most armor is stashed.

Meeting these requirements boosts the player's armor by a permanent 25 points. This might not seem like a lot, but 25 points can be the difference between life and death on higher difficulties.

14 Health Upgrade I

The perks menu showing Health Upgrade I

Players always want a chance to increase their health. Having low health and being killed because of the last enemy is always annoying, so players will want Health Upgrade I. To do this, they must overcharge their health to over 200.

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It is similar to armor, meaning players will need to find enough health packs. It will prove to be worth it, as the player's health will regeneration 30% faster. It'll be welcomed when in a firefight against a large force of enemies.

13 Health Upgrade II

The player getting an option for overcharging their health

Much like the last iteration of the perk, players must overcharge their health to 250 instead. If players thought getting to 200 was hard, 250 will be a tiny bit harder.

Luckily, the nightmare scenarios found in the game will make this easier. Certain rooms can be found with numerous health packs, putting players way over 250.?The tradeoff for getting this makes it so the player's health regenerates by 5 points.

12 Health Upgrade III

The player facing off against enemies

After getting the health overcharged, players will be tasked with killing 5 enemies while overcharged. Luckily, there is not a specific number of health players have to be at. All that is needed is for 5 enemies to be killed in a row while overcharged.

For killing the 5 enemies, players are rewarded with an extra 25 health. It'll help boost the player's overcharged health as well, making it a bit easier to survive boss battles and larger groups.

11 Eagle Eye

A commander from Old Blood

Players will be required to stealth kill 20 commanders. A notification will appear in the upper right screen, showing how close a player is to the commander. The only issue is that they might be surrounded by other soldiers. This perk can be boosted, meaning players can restart the checkpoint and kill an easier commander.

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Anyone trying to get the collectibles will have an easier time after this perk. The reward will reveal markers for all of the collectibles of the game, giving players an idea of where the golden items are.

10 Vampire

The player stabbing a soldier in the neck

Stealth takedowns are a big part of?Old Blood, so this perk should come easily. All it requires is for 25 enemies to be stealth killed. There are numerous parts of the game that require stealth. If players do not feel like waiting, they can also restart checkpoints behind enemies.

The reward for completing these perks is worth the hassle of stealth kills. Performing takedowns will give the player health points, but will not provide an overcharge.

9 Carry Heavy Machinegun

The player firing a machine gun

The machine guns are able to be removed from their stands, but will be dropped if another weapon is selected. This perk allows the player to put the machinegun in their inventory, only disappearing when it is out of ammo. This can give players an advantage against huge enemies.

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The requirement for this perk is to kill 200 people with the MG-46. It should come easily enough, being seen when there are numerous enemies to be fought.

8 Quick Turn

A player hiding behind cover attacking an enemy

Taking cover is normal in any FPS, so this perk should be rather easy to achieve. It requires the player to kill 50 enemies while hiding behind cover. Doing this makes it so that players can quickly turn 180 degrees and lock on to the first enemy they see. This will give an advantage if in an open area.

7 Reload Mash

The player reloading a pistol

Reloading always seems to take forever, but this perk will let players speed it up. All they have to do is kill 20 enemies with the last bullet in their clip. The reward is that players can make reloading quicker if they mash the reload button. When there is a crowd of enemies around, mashing the button will make a whole lot more sense.

6 Bombenschuss Clip Upgrade

The player holding the Bombenschuss

Killing 50 enemies with the Bombenschuss will increase the ammo clip by 5 bullets. This makes it so that players will not have to reload as often, instead having extra ammo. During the bigger fights, this can come in handy. As it is a sniper rifle, it makes it so that players can safely pick off enemies without losing one as they run around.

5 Kampfpistole Ammo Storage Upgrade

The player holding a Kampfpistole

Much like the last perk, this one requires the player to get 50 kills with the Kampfpistole. This includes an increase of 3 to the weapon's storage, giving the player a better chance against enemies. The weapon is a grenade launcher, making it easier to dispatch large groups of enemies.

4 Schockhammer Clip Upgrade

The player firing the Schockhammer

Keeping in the spirit of the last two perks, this one has the player kill another 50 enemies. This time, the shotgun called the Schockhammer is used. It will increase the weapon's clip size by 6, making it easier to dispatch enemies as they group up together in buildings.

3 Tough Skin

The player fighting against the Shamblers

Later in the game, a new type of enemies will appear. They are called the Shamblers and take the form of zombies. This perk requires the player to smash the heads of 10 shamblers with a pipe. This might sound easy, but players have to get close and aim for the head of the Shambler.

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The reward includes a reduction in health lost from melee attacks. This makes the most sense against these enemies, as they can only do melee attacks.

2 Grenade Belt

The player holding a grenade

Players can use grenades to their advantage, maybe even getting this perk by luck. It requires a grenade to be thrown and to kill three enemies. It's easier than it sounds, as enemies group together a lot. It can even be against Shamblers. The reward for this perk is that players can carry 2 extra grenades.

1 Ammunition Upgrade

A player duel wielding weapons

Duel wielding weapons is a cool feature of?Wolfenstein. To get this perk, the player must kill 100 enemies while duel wielding weapons. It should come easily, and also offers a nice benefit for any player. It will increase ammo pickup by 20%.

Even if players do not like the feature, it is worth going for. Having the extra ammo will help the player when fighting against large waves of enemies. Plus, who doesn't like having more than enough ammo?

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