When World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth launched the ability to play as Allied Races was one of the expansion's most interesting features. The new races weren't available at launch (for the most part) and instead required players to gain the favor of each of the new groups by completing quests for them, earning reputation, and eventually winning them over to the war effort for one of the game's two primary factions. Although the Battle for Azeroth era has faded out of the spotlight to make room for Shadowlands content, many players still may want to go back and unlock some of the Allied Races - like the Zandalari Trolls.
From the earliest days of vanilla World of Warcraft, many players have been unhappy with the look of the game's playable Troll characters. The Zandalari Troll variant addressed a lot of those old complaints and offer the chance to play a troll that has a more modern design. It's a tempting alt (or new main) choice for lots of Horde players, but in order to roll that type of character players first need to accomplish the Zandalari Troll unlock.
Unlocking the Allied Races wasn't so difficult for players who worked through the BfA War Campaign in a linear fashion in the months following that expansion's release, but players who missed the boat will have a bit of grinding to do in order to catch up. The requirements won't take nearly as long as they did when the expansion launched, but it is still a bit of a grind for Horde players who are starting from scratch.
How To Unlock Zandalari Trolls
The key to unlocking the Zandalari Trolls is all about earning the Allied Races: Zandalari Troll achievement. Earning that feat is going to require unlocking a series of other achievements leading up to that point though, so buckle in for a bit of a ride and find a portal or boat to Zuldazar to get started...
Tides of Vengeance Achievement
Players need to?finish the War Campaign?(8.0 and 8.1) to earn this acheivement.
Zandalar Forever! Achievement
To earn Zandalar Forever!, players have to complete all major lore storylines in the Zuldazar zones?(up to The Final Seal).
Allied Races: Zandalari Troll
Complete the quest series starting from A Royal Occasion.
After completing these,?players?will automatically earn the Allied Races: Zandalari Troll achievement?and all the associated rewards.?That includes the Tabard of the Zandalari, the Zandalari Direhorn, and the ability to create?a Zandalari Troll. And that's all there is to it at this point.
Players should continue to check back for more World of Warcraft news, updates, and strategy guides in the near future. Until then, For The Horde!
World of Warcraft Shadowlands is available now on PC.