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With World of Warcraft Classic returning once again with the release of WoW 20th Anniversary servers on November 21, 2024, players are flocking back to the celebrated 2004 version of the game to take on one of gaming's greatest MMOs in its prime form. Though we got a release back in 2019 as well, this time WoW Classic Fresh has a few changes, like Dual Spec, no buff limits, and more.

World of Warcraft Classic: 5 Rarest Mounts
World of Warcraft has some amazing mounts. Here are the rarest ones from the Classic Era of the game.
Get started on the right foot with this guide to the best DPS classes in WoW Classic. DPS classes vary, with some classes having more specs and more versatility than others, but the best DPS class WoW Classic offers might not be right for you if the gameplay doesn't feel right.
Ultimately, all of these DPS classes can compete in endgame content, so it's more important to choose a class you vibe with – but if you're just interested in topping meters, you will be more consistent if you choose one of the best DPS classes in WoW Classic over non-meta specs.
S Tier DPS Classes in WoW Classic
Mage, Warrior, Warlock
If you are looking for the straight-up best DPS class WoW Classic players can choose, in terms of endgame DPS output, you can't go wrong choosing the Mage, Warlock, or Warrior.
Mages and Warlocks have little gear dependence (aside from Wands) and can dish out some serious DPS, the Mage especially, while also bringing a bunch of useful utility to the party with Portals, Mage Food/Water, Summoning, and Healthstones/Soulstones. Choose Mage if you want the overall best experience playing a DPS class in WoW, but Warlock if you don't mind sacrificing some damage output for being one of the most useful classes in WoW Classic.
You almost always want a Mage or Warlock in your group, especially at level 60 when traveling the world becomes a chore.
The Warrior class is capable of dealing the highest DPS possible in WoW Classic but only if you have the gear to empower it. That's because virtually all of the Warrior class' power comes from gear, so they can be tough to level efficiently. But at level 60, and in future phases, the Warrior's upper damage limits just keep getting higher and higher as the gear gets better and better, leaving other DPS classes way behind when future Raids come out.
Choose Warrior if you don't mind a rough leveling journey, and the time it takes to get your BiS gear, to blow away the competition on the WoW Classic DPS charts.
Mage DPS In WoW Classic
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World of Warcraft Classic: 5 Rarest Battle Pets
Some pets are rarer than others in WoW Classic. Here are some of the rarest ones in the game.
Warrior DPS In WoW Classic
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Warlock DPS In WoW Classic
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A Tier DPS Classes in WoW Classic
Rogue, Hunter, Priest
There are little to no major faults with the three best DPS classes in WoW Classic, but that doesn't mean that classes in this A Tier and the B Tier below aren't worth playing in the damage role. In fact, the Rogue, Hunter, and Priest classes can still do exceptional damage when played well, and bring other strengths to a party that the Mage, Warlock, and Warrior do not.
Rogues are your default Stealth class in WoW Classic, and though they scale well into the endgame and are very strong single-target melee DPS, they bring little utility to a party aside from Stealth and Sap for CC.
Hunters are a great all-around class that's not the most powerful in the game, but far from the worst, and comes with some unique and fun class mechanics with the Pet system.

WoW Classic Hardcore: Best Alliance Leveling Route (1-60)
The best Alliance leveling route in Classic World of Warcraft Hardcore requires traveling between several zones at once to ensure player safety.
Priests are a bit of a special case. The Shadow Priest spec is far from the best DPS in WoW Classic, but the Priest brings a lot of party utility to a group that is lacking a Healer Priest. In Shadow Spec, you can work the Off Healer role while still putting out great DPS in lengthy fights. But because a lot of their damage comes from damage-over-time effects, they can't contribute much to short fights and can have issues with Mana regeneration.
Rogue DPS In WoW Classic
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Hunter DPS In WoW Classic
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WoW Classic: Logout Skips, Explained
WoW Classic logout skips are a convenient, if a questionably exploitative, way to trick the game into thinking your character is somewhere else.
Priest DPS In WoW Classic
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B Tier DPS Classes in WoW Classic
Druid, Shaman, Paladin
While you will have few problems playing as any of the S or A Tier WoW Classic DPS classes ranked above, the Druid, Shaman, and Paladin DPS specs don't quite match up in terms of damage output.
These lower-tier DPS classes WoW Classic offers are worth trying out, and will still get invited to groups for their unique buffs and what they bring to a party composition. But for these classes in particular, it can take a little bit longer to get an invite because they are just lower in demand.
Consider joining a guild that is in the process of putting together a Raid team to be able to raid consistently, as PUGs are much less friendly to off-meta specs.
Paladin DPS in the Retribution spec just about bottoms out the DPS meters in WoW Classic, though a well-played Ret Paladin will do better than most. You want a Paladin in your group for Aura buffs and other party utility, as they have a variety of useful Healing and Support spells in their kit. But when it comes to the combat experience itself, Ret Paladins have one of the most dull rotations and can have trouble topping meters.

WoW Classic Hardcore: Best Horde Leveling Route (1-60)
The best Horde leveling route in Hardcore World of Warcraft takes players between zones and continents constantly – to safely engage quests and mobs.
The Druid and Shaman classes, on the other hand, don't quite match up to the other WoW classes ranked above, but they still have their uses in a party, and are strong in certain types of content.
Druids can play four specs, two of which are DPS, but Balance sits right alongside Ret Paladin at the bottom of the DPS charts in WoW Classic. But Feral is very, very good in PvP, and tends to perform pretty decently in endgame dungeon and raid content.
Shamans, on the other hand, have the Elemental and Enhancement specs, and though neither of these can push the same heights as a Warrior or Mage, they bring the most powerful single buff in WoW: the Windfury Totem. This one ability almost ensures that you will get into a Raid group lacking a shaman at endgame, but don't expect your damage to peak the meters unless you are playing the class exceptionally well.
Druid DPS In WoW Classic
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Shaman DPS In WoW Classic
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Paladin DPS In WoW Classic
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