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Wuthering Waves is the new gacha game released by Kuro Games, the creators behind the successful Punishing: Gray Raven, otherwise known as PGR. Wuthering Waves is an open-world game with a lot of fun characters (with more on the way) and a fascinating combat system that utilizes quick swaps between characters, dodging, and parrying.

A new player can easily be overwhelmed, as there is so much to do from the get-go. Therefore, some help might be needed. There are several things a new player should prioritize in this game to help with their progression. These are not compulsory events, but rather areas beginners should focus on when exploring Wuthering Waves.

Wuthering Waves: All 5-Star Characters, Ranked

5-star characters still need to compete against each other to be crowned the best Resonator in Wuthering Waves.

6 Do The Main Quest

It’s Rewarding

Chixia Wuwa

Its perfectly natural to boot up an open-world game and then take in all the beauty the in-game world has to offer. Unfortunately, it might not be the most efficient path forward, and could potentially lead the player to go around in circles.

In Wuthering Waves, it is advisable for the player to tackle the main story quest first and progress the story as far as they can. With each step the player takes in the story, there are a lot of rewards that help with progression and early game content. The player can access the quest tab on the menu screen. Here, the main quest will always be the one on top, making it easy to figure out what to do next.

5 Level Up The Data Bank

Kill Everything

Wuthering Waves Data Bank

Combat in Wuthering Waves is a lot of fun, and now there is an incentive to take on as many fights as possible. Defeated foes (non-humanoid ones) have a chance of dropping something called an Echo, which can be equipped and used in combat.

Wuthering Waves: Character Tier List

Wuthering Waves tier list can help Rovers assess which character is worth building, ensuring proper resource management for the players.

The player will get Echoes of different rarities, ranging from Green (the lowest) to Gold (the highest). Each unique enemy defeated increases the player's Data Bank level. The higher the player takes their Data Bank level, the more likely they are to get rare Echo drops. So, the player is advised to kill everything in sight, even enemies that they have defeated before, as they too come in different rarities.

4 Pick A Main DPS

This Character Should Carry The Player At The Beginning

Calcharo Wuwa

There are a limited number of playable characters in Wuthering Waves at the moment, though more are sure to come as the game progresses. This means that players can easily find themselves with a decent number of fun characters to level up early on. However, it is advised that the player pick one major damage dealer who they will level.

Wuthering Waves: Lingyang Team Composition Guide

Despite being a 5-Star, Lingyang is one of the hardest characters to build a team around in Wuthering Waves. Here are some of his best pairings.?

In the early game, resources tend to be scarce. If a player spreads themselves too thin, they might find that their account is not as strong as it could be. Thankfully, Wuthering Waves gave a free five-star a few days after the game’s launch, and a guaranteed five-star after 80 pulls. This gives players a good idea of the character they’d like to focus on and set materials aside to level them up.

3 Pick Up Everything

There’s A Lot To Gain By Gathering Items

Calcharo Wuwa (2)

As the player traverses the world of Wuthering Waves, they will come across a lot of items available to pick up. They might seem useless at first, but picking up everything has a lot of advantages.

For one, a lot of items and ores found in the overworld are useful for crafting items, including four-star weapons. Other items can be used for cooking, which has huge benefits. Both the crafting and cooking aspects of the game have proficiency levels, which offer rewards the higher the player goes.

2 Use Waveplates Efficiently

Don’t Let Stamina Go To Waste

Calcharo vs Inferno Rider

Waveplates is the term used for the stamina system in Wuthering Waves. The player will typically have 240 Waveplates, and one Waveplate will refresh every 6 minutes. These Waveplates enable the player to do various things like fight bosses and farm certain items.

Wuthering Waves: Waveplates System Explained

The energy system, Waveplates in Wuthering Waves is one of the most important resources in the game.

It is advisable to use Waveplates as soon as they are available for use. Players should farm bosses for character materials so as not to waste the Waveplates. Once they reach their capped level, they don’t recharge anymore.

1 Don’t Rush

Enjoy the Game

Verina in open world

Gacha games are all about getting new, shiny characters building efficient teams to enjoy the game with. There's always a temptation to start pulling banners as soon as one starts playing, but it's advisable to take a beat before diving in headfirst. There are two types of currency for pulling characters, the Lustrous Tide and Radiant Tide. The former is for standard banner characters, while the latter is for featured characters. The weapons banner also has its own specialized currency. Just by playing the game in its infancy, players are likely to get as many as two five-star characters both of whom are on the standard banner.

For this reason, it is advisable to save your Astrites, which are used to obtain green and gold, for a character the player actually wants. There are more fun characters on the way, possibly including Scar, who seems to be a fan favourite already. It's good to take time and enjoy the game, wait for announcements of future characters that might catch the eye, before committing to a character and pulling their banner.

Wuthering Waves Tag Page Cover Art

Action RPG
Android, iOS, PC, PlayStation 5
May 22, 2024
Kuro Games
Kuro Games
Wuthering Waves: Is the Pioneer Podcast Battle Pass Worth Buying

In Wuthering Waves, players conflicted on if to buy the Insider or Connoisseur Podcast Pioneer Channels will want to know if doing so is worth it.