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The 1.1 update of Wuthering Waves introduces players to an entirely new area with unique mechanics, Mt. Firmament. This area is filled with various interactive elements such as Windchimes, which are similar to Sonance Caskets, along with numerous puzzles and supply chests for players to discover and collect. In addition to these features, players will encounter Frostbugs, which serve as the area's counterpart to Blobflies and contribute significantly to the overall exploration progress.

Wuthering Waves: How to Break the Seal Placed on The Seaside Ruins at Loong’s Crest

One of the Tales from Mt. Firmament tasks, this one needs players to think outside of the box.

To maximize exploration points and rewards, players need to find and hit these Frostbugs, each of which grants 20 Asterite. While collecting all 10 Frostbugs in Mt. Firmament, players should pay attention to specific details to ensure they gather them quickly.

How to Collect Frostbugs in Wuthering Waves?

While locating and collecting Frostbugs might be easier than Blobflies, since players don’t need to wait long to hit them again if they miss their opportunity, certain details still require attention. If players get too close to a Frostbug, it will hide, making it impossible to collect. Therefore, it's recommended to keep a distance until the Frostbug emerges from its hole and use a ranged character like Chixia or Aalto to hit them.

Additionally, even when hit, Frostbugs won't be collected if they are not struck from the correct angle. Their weak spot is right under their head from the back, so players should position themselves behind the Frostbug and aim at the small marker.

All Frostbug Locations in Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Waves Frostbug Locations Map-2

There are a total of 10 Frostbug spots, and collecting the first one as well as all 10 will grant achievements. All Frostbugs are located in open air, not in caves, and players will likely encounter them while exploring for chests and windchimes. Most Frostbug spots have three breakable ice blocks surrounding them, making them easier to locate. Here are all the locations:

Frostbug 1

Frostbug 1

Slightly Northeast of Resonance Beacon at Xuanji Ridges inside a spring pool.

Frostbug 2

Frostbug 2

Jump down from south of Resonance Nexus near Hongzen. Located in a spring at the bottom level.

Frostbug 3

Frostbug 3

On a small island on the shoreline where two longer islands connect.

Frostbug 4

Frostbug 4

Teleport to the south western Resonance Beacon of Loong's Ridge, move to the nearby broken bridge. Visible from top, and it's located at the bottom of the waterfall.

Frostbug 5

Frostbug 5

From the more eastern Resonance Beacon from the previous one, head south and jump down to the shore. Located at the small island on the map.

Frostbug 6

Frostbug 6

Teleport to the most eastern Resonance Beacon in Loong's Ridge, and go to south east to find it by the shore.

Frostbug 7

Frostbug 7

Head to the Resonance Beacon on the bottom level in Loong's Ridge, go through the tunnel towards east, use grappler (or climb) to find the Frostbug on a rock at the middle level.

Frostbug 8

Frostbug 8

At the end of the river by a waterfall on the north of the map.

Frostbug 9

On a rounded shoreline on the north side. Hard to miss.

Frostbug 10

Following west from the previous one, on a small mini island right at the edge. Hard to miss.