With the latest Season 1 update to XDefiant, the developers have added a brand new faction, as well as some thrilling weapons for players to choose from. Furthermore, in celebration of the start of season 1, a Twitch Drop campaign has been established, allowing the community to grab some free and exciting rewards easily.

Updated July 3, 2024, by Adib Pritom: After successfully running their Pre-season Twitch drop campaign, Ubisoft has launched a new set of Twitch drops to commemorate the launch of Season 1. There are two sets of rewards waiting to be unlocked by the players, and these rewards will be available for the first month of Season 1.

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How To Claim XDefiant Season 1 Twitch Drops

xdefiant new features

To claim the free Twitch Drops, you must first link your Twitch account to your Ubisoft account. Once you are done, you can watch any stream from the XDefiant tag page on Twitch or watch the stream of Ubisoft-partnered creators for the Season 1 Twitch Drops to be eligible for the rewards. Here is a step-by-step explanation:

  1. Go to the Ubisoft Drops registration website.
  2. Link your Twitch with your Ubisoft account.
  3. Once you have linked your account, watch any eligible stream on Twitch for the required time (mentioned below).
  4. After you have gathered the necessary watch time, claim the drops from the Twitch inventory by clicking on ‘Claim Now.’
  5. After claiming the drops from the Twitch inventory, the rewards will be automatically added to your XDefiant account.

There are two sets of rewards as part of the Season 1 Twitch Drop campaign, each with slightly different requirements. To unlock the first set of Season 1 Twitch drops, you can watch any stream from the Twitch XDefiant category page, which will count towards the rewards. As long as the streamer has the XDefiant game tagged with their stream, there is nothing to be worried about.

However, to unlock the second set of Season 1 Twitch Drops, you must watch the XDefiant stream of the selected Ubisoft partner streamers. Ubisoft has already published a 12-page-long list of streamers accepted as their partner streamers for the Season 1 Twitch Drop campaign. You must complete the required watch time from these channels to claim the second set of free rewards.

If the free Twitch drop rewards are not being added to your in-game inventory even after claiming them from Twitch, try disconnecting your Twitch account and reconnecting it with your Ubisoft account.

How to Claim XDefiant Season 1 Twitch Quest Rewards

xdefiant gsk season 1

Moreover, to celebrate the launch of Season 1, Ubisoft has also launched the Twitch Quest campaign, through which you can support the creators you like. You will become eligible for the rewards by buying two subs of any tier (excluding Prime Subs) for any of your favorite Ubisoft partners or affiliate streamers.

Ensure to buy the subs while the campaign is active; any subs bought before or after the campaign's running time will not count towards the reward. Moreover, subs will only be counted while the streamer is active on Twitch and streaming XDefiant gameplay under the XDefiant category page.

You can purchase the two subs separately or at once during the campaign. Once you have purchased the required subscriptions while following the other instructions, you will receive a redeem code on your Twitch notification. Follow these steps to claim your reward:

  1. Head to Ubisoft's code redeem site.
  2. Enter the exact code you received, and click on Submit my code.
  3. Connect your Ubisoft account and then select Submit my code.
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XDefiant Season 1 Twitch Drop Rewards

xdefiant season 1 twitch drop rewards

The exclusive skins given away as part of the Twitch drops are worth the time players have to invest in watching some fun XDefiant multiplayer gameplay on Twitch. Only watching the streams for 3 hours allows the players to claim the exciting skins of amazing guns and characters like the Avalanche SVD Skin or the Extraction Kaptan Skin.

While the needed watch time to unlock all the rewards may appear to be a bit extra, since the rewards will be accessible for a whole month, you will have plenty of time to accrue these hours over the next several weeks.

The Season 1 Twitch Drop event begins at 10 AM Pacific / 1 PM Eastern on July 2nd and will continue till 10 AM Pacific / 1 PM Eastern on July 30.

Alongside the Twitch Drops campaign, Ubisoft's Twitch Quest campaign to support the creators will run from July 2 at 10:00 AM PDT to July 29 at 11:59 PM PDT; by participating in the Twitch Quest, you can unlock the "Viral Character Skin" for free.

Here are all the rewards that players can claim from Season 1 XDefiant’s Twitch Drops:

Set 1

  • Watch for 1 Hour: Battle Pass XP Booster
  • Watch for 3 Hours: Avalanche SVD Skin
  • Watch for 5 Hours: Shamrock M870 Skin

Set 2

  • Watch for 1 Hour: Extraction RPK Skin
  • Watch for 3 Hours: Extraction Kaptan Skin
  • Watch for 5 Hours: Extraction Stark Skin
XDefiant Tag Page Cover Art

May 21, 2024
Ubisoft San Francisco