Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana has its fair share of boss battles, but the first one the players can check off their list will be against Dularn, The Creeping Shadow. Going up against the first boss in a game can represent a huge spike in difficulty for players — Dularn being just that.

He is the first real challenge players will face, and it is perfectly understandable that it takes multiple attempts before players can clear him. Despite this, once players know just how to fight him, this can be a short-lived boss fight.

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How to Beat Dularn in Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana

Once the fight starts, Dularn will deploy a spherical barrier around him. No attacks will be able to damage him, so it is all about surviving his waves of attacks until this barrier disappears. Once the barrier drops, players will be able to get several strikes against Dularn. This boss’s health will be different depending on the difficulty selected. Players can backtrack if they are struggling with Dularn, but he is not an optional boss fight and will need to be dealt with sooner or later.

Avoid even getting close to Dularn while he has his barrier up, as touching this boss will deal damage to the player. Players that charge in trying to deal damage to Dularn while he has this barrier will find it impossible to beat the boss before they fall.

Dularn's Sword Attacks

Dularn will summon multiple swords to harm the player. These swords can attack in different ways, so it is important to know what patterns are in Dularn’s arsenal — and how they can be avoided.

  • Dularn will summon swords that move above him. These swords will then all strike directly towards the players.
  • Dularn will create an X-shape using the swords. They will then home in on the player.
  • Dularn will thrust a straight line of swords in the direction of the player.

Having to deal with homing projectiles can lead to some frustrating boss fights. However, there is a trick to dealing with them. While Dularn has his barrier up, the best approach is to simply run in wide circles around him. This gives the players enough room to dodge out of the way of the first 2 sword strikes. However, depending on the position of the summoned swords, they can still put the player in harm's way. It is best to always jump when these swords come at the player as a secondary line of avoidance. As for the straight line of swords, this will require the player to jump just before they connect in order to avoid them.

The moment Dularn’s barrier falls, he will be vulnerable to sword attacks. Each time he receives a barrage of damage, he will teleport away. When he reappears, keep your distance, as he will reform the barrier and damage the player if they are close to him.

Dularn's Wave Blasts

Dularn has 2 waves of projectiles he can manifest. The first will be a volley of fireballs, and the second a large arching slash.


Players can charge Dularn by moving between these fireballs or by jumping over one that is coming towards them. Just like with the swords, it is best to combine moving out of the way with jumping to ensure you don't take any damage.

Arching Slash

The final attack Dularn will have at his disposal is a large blue slash. There are no gaps in this attack, and the only way to avoid it is to jump over it. These wave attacks are performed close to when players can deal damage to Dularn, so use them as an indicator to rush him for damage.

The best advice for this boss fight is understand the patterns, as there is no need to grind levels to overcome it.

Rewards for Beating Dularn in Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana

After defeating Dularn, players can move into the room directly downward to get a Magical Bracelet called the Ignis Bracelet. This will allow them to throw fireballs and will become a quick staple of the game.

Ys Memoire The Oath in Felghana Tag Page Cover Art

Action RPG
Top Critic Rating: 83/100 Critics Recommend: 80%
January 7, 2025
Nihon Falcom
OpenCritic Rating