Jerrad Wyche
About Jerrad Wyche
Jerrad Wyche is a writer, designer, and producer hailing from Albuquerque, New Mexico. His favorite video games include Mass Effect 2, Inside, Pokémon Soul Silver, Spelunky, and Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. He hosts his own weekly video game podcast at Controlled Interests and is a dedicated writer for TheGamer.

Upcoming Zombie Games People Are Excited For
Zombies have been a staple of horror for decades, and they aren't leaving the world of video games anytime soon.

18 Beginner Tips For Elden Ring You Need To Know
The gameplay of Elden Ring isn't for the faint of heart and requires plenty of practice. These essential tips for beginners should come in handy.

FromSoftware: Hardest Beast Soulsborne Bosses, Ranked
FromSoftware's Soulsborne games are known for their difficult boss fights. The following eight animalistic beasts are among their toughest.

Games That Let You Play As A God
These games give players the feeling of godhood as they either allow gamers to play as a god or carry out god-like tasks.

Cuphead: The Best Weapons In The Base Game & Delicious Last Course DLC, Ranked
The Delicious Last Course expansion adds plenty of new offensive options to the game, some of which rank among the best weapons in Cuphead.

Elden Ring: 17 Best Crystal Tears To Mix In The Flask Of Wondrous Physick
Not all Crystal Tears are made equally in Elden Ring - these are the ten every player should mix into their Flask of Wondrous Physick.

Elden Ring: 12 Best Fire Weapons, Ranked
Fire damage is a useful tool in Elden Ring, and these weapons are the best ones for players who wish to use them.

Elden Ring: 10 Best Poison Weapons, Ranked
Poison weapons are massively important tools in Elden Ring and these are the best of the lot.

Pokémon: The Toughest Rock Pokémon, Ranked
Rock Pokémon are tough. How tough? Well, tough as rocks. Obviously. Of course, these ten are probably the toughest ones out there!

15 Great Team Compositions In Apex Legends
There are near-infinite team combinations possible in Apex legends, but each combination has its pros and cons. Choose wisely.

Grounded: Best Mutations, Ranked
These mutations will make traversing the world in Obsidian's Grounded a bit safer.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: 18 Hardest Pokemon To Find
These hard to find Pokemon make trying to catch 'em all a tricky challenge in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Batman: Riddler's Best Riddles
Over the years, the Riddler has posed quite a few interesting conundrums for Batman to solve. These are the best of the bunch.

Horror Games Releasing In 2023 You Should Know About
2023 is looking good for horror games. Here's which spooky games to look out for as the year progresses.

7 Periods of South American History That Would Make Great Settings for Assassin's Creed
The following seven periods of South American history would make for fascinating Assassin's Creed settings.

Marvel's Wolverine: 8 Characters That Need To Appear In The Game
Hopefully, these characters might make an appearance in the upcoming Wolverine game by Insomniac.

Elden Ring: 8 Characters Who Need To Return In A Sequel
If Elden Ring 2 ever happens, these characters should make an appearance.

Marvel Snap: 8 Best Knullified Variant Art Cards
These Knullified variant art cards in Marvel Snap reinterpret familiar heroes in a terrifying new light.

Marvel Snap: 8 Best Noir Variant Art Cards
Fans of the Noir genre will love these variant art cards in Marvel Snap.

Marvel Snap: 7 Best Anime Variant Art Cards
These particular variant art cards in Marvel Snap should make anime fans smile.