It’s no secret that one of Stardew Valley’s most popular inclusions is the dating system, allowing players to romance most of the game’s cast, but a new face has fans asking for more. With the addition of the trout derby in update 1.6 came a new character that Stardew Valley players have been pinning after ever since.
As Stardew Valley continues to receive updates nearly a decade after its debut, it seems like it may never be too late to add more content to the beloved life sim. One standout inclusion of the 1.6 update was the addition of new mini-festivals, including a new fishing event, the trout derby, where players can receive prizes while catching rainbow trout each summer. During the event, the player can find out-of-towners participating, drawn by the allure of fishing. One such character, known only as “the Trout Man”, has captured the hearts of some players, leading to a renewed request to add more romancable characters to the game.

Stardew Valley: How The Friendship Point System Works
Everyone knows the importance of building relationships in Stardew Valley. But just how far does each act of friendship go?
The Trout Man Should Find Love in Pelican Town
Romance and marriage have become one of the most popular activities in Stardew Valley, cementing them as a must-have in the life sim genre. Some fans even play through the game multiple times just because they want to romance a different one of the game’s 12 bachelors and bachelorettes. Considering the popularity of the romance aspect of the game, it’s unusual that it hasn’t changed much in any of the game’s major updates. While new areas to explore and events to participate in were added, some players would prefer additional bachelors or bachelorettes be added as well. Characters like the Trout Man, Pam, and Linus have been alone for too long, and deserve a chance at love. The good news is, with updates not seeming to stop, there’s always time for more romance characters to be added.
Which Stardew Valley Characters Should Be Romance Options?
With fans finding new love in the Trout Man, it shows that any character, no matter how big or small, can capture the attention of players. Despite only having a small dialogue with the player, Trout Man has become one of the hottest non-romanceable bachelors in Stardew Valley. Unfortunately, the likelihood of the Trout Man rising in the ranks of romance is unlikely, as he just isn’t a big enough character, but, there are tons of great non-romanceable characters in Stardew Valley that players are drawn to just as much. These characters are more likely to be given the honor of a larger role if the chance ever arises.
Though most players side against JojaMart, the path that the game seems to push, there is a small benefit to promoting the corporation in Pelican Town. Some fans have said they even prefer the Pro-Joja Corporation playthrough, despite the company’s obvious hatred among the fan base. If Morris became a romancable character, it could lead to a more expanded storyline for the Joja Corporation. Perhaps by marrying the company’s envoy in Pelican Town, players could see a new side of him beyond the smarmy businessman persona he displays on the job. If a new update focuses on JojaMart, dating Morris could be the entry point to seeing a whole new side of Stardew Valley.
Sandy is a character who doesn’t receive much time in the spotlight, partially because she lives in the desert outside of Pelican Town, where players are less likely to run into her. But some have noted that her appearance has a glamorous, mysterious quality that entices them to want to know more about her. She even has a piece of dialogue that seems to hit at mutual admiration, mentioning that she’d like to spend a day alone with the farmer. Sandy is an underutilized character considering her enigmatic personality, and adding her as a marriage option would let players get close to her in a way they haven’t been able to before.
There doesn’t appear to be any plan to add more romance options to Stardew Valley, but that won’t stop players from requesting it. These are just a few possibilities of how the game could open up by adding more love to the life sim.

Your Rating
You’ve inherited your grandfather’s old farm plot in Stardew Valley. Armed with hand-me-down tools and a few coins, you set out to begin your new life. Can you learn to live off the land and turn these overgrown fields into a thriving home? It won’t be easy. Ever since Joja Corporation came to town, the old ways of life have all but disappeared. The community center, once the town’s most vibrant hub of activity, now lies in shambles. But the valley seems full of opportunity. With a little dedication, you might just be the one to restore Stardew Valley to greatness!
- Top Critic Rating: 90/100 Critics Recommend: 99%
- Released
- February 26, 2016
- Developer(s)
- ConcernedApe
- Publisher(s)
- ConcernedApe
- Multiplayer
- Local Multiplayer, Online Multiplayer
- Engine
- Proprietary
- E for Everyone (Fantasy Violence, Mild Blood, Mild Language, Simulated Gambling, Use of Alcohol and Tobacco)
- How Long To Beat
- 53 Hours
- Steam Deck Compatibility
- Verified
- X|S Optimized
- No
- File Size Xbox Series
- 1 GB (November 2023)
- Split Screen Orientation
- Vertical or Horizontal
- Number of Players
- 1-4
- Local Co-Op Support
- 1-4 Players
- OpenCritic Rating
- Mighty
- Cross Save
- cross-progression is only available between the PC and mobile versions of the game
- Cross-Platform Play
- Stardew Valley does not currently support crossplay between different consoles and PC
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