Tails of Iron 2: Whiskers of Winter is the sequel to the brutal action RPG Tails of Iron, bringing back its challenging combat and grim atmosphere. Similar to the first game, the time required to achieve 100% completion is quite low. Players can expect to unlock the Platinum trophy within 7–10 hours of gameplay, depending on their chosen difficulty and playstyle.

The game has 26 total achievements available for players to unlock and an additional Platinum trophy for PlayStation users, and none of them are missable. For those looking to experience everything this game has to offer, here’s how to unlock all trophies/achievements in Tails of Iron 2.

Major Tails of Iron 2: Whiskers of Winter spoilers may be revealed from the trophy names and descriptions.

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Tails Of Iron 2: Whiskers Of Winter Achievement/Trophy List

Trophy/Achievement Name


How To Unlock


Collect All Medals

Collect All Medals

This trophy unlocks after you unlock all the other trophies.


Defeat 25 Death Marches

Defeat 25 Death Marches in combat.

These enemies are found in Golden Forest. Simply kill 25 to unlock the trophy. An easy way to farm them is to locate a set of enemies and repeatedly move between rooms to respawn them.


Defeat 25 Tailspinners

Defeat 25 Tailspinners in combat.

These enemies are found in The Rift. Simply kill 25 to unlock the trophy.


Defeat 25 BackStabbers

Defeat 25 BackStabbers in combat.

These enemies are found in The Outskirts during the day. Simply kill 25 to unlock the achievement.


Defeat 25 Mudwyrms

Defeat 25 Mudwyrms in combat.

These enemies are found in The Outskirts during the day. Simply kill 25 to unlock the trophy.


Defeat 25 Owl Cultists

Defeat 25 Owl Cultists in combat.

These enemies are found in The Golden Forest. Simply kill 25 to unlock the achievement.


Defeat 25 Frogs

Defeat 25 Frogs in combat.

These enemies are found in The Rift. Simply kill 25 to unlock the trophy.


Defeat 25 Birds

Defeat 25 Birds in combat.

These enemies are found in The Outskirts during the night. Simply kill 25 to unlock the achievement.


Find The Magpies Spectacles

Returning Maggi's missing spectacles to her at Bogmire Forge.

You will find Maggi looking for her spectacles in Bogmire Forge after completing the main quest there. Go to the right of the area to find a bridge, and you'll spot the spectacles underneath it.


Find The Herons Fishing Pole

Returning Ernest's missing Fishing Pole to him at the Lake in the Golden Forest.

You will find Ernest in Nestminster looking for his fishing pole after completing the main quest there. Go to the depths of the well next to the Bug Farm. In the bottom right of the map, you'll find a Mole using the fishing pole to dip his biscuits in honey. Return to the Bug Farm, buy Honey from the merchant, and bring it back to the Mole. In exchange, he will give you the fishing pole, which you can then return to Ernest.


Deliver The Late Moledonalds

Deliver the late Moledonalds to Matt and Nath in their Outskirts bunker.

After acquiring the Two-Handed weapon, break the barrier to the right of the Castle, just below the grappling point. In the Mines of Highrock, you'll find a bunker where two Moles are waiting for their bug burger delivery. Head left of Mossbug Farm until you reach a small climbable cliff—ignore it and crawl underneath to find Blackfoot Caverns. Inside, next to a drilling machine, you'll find the Moledonald’s meal. Bring the meals back to the Moles to earn this trophy.


Complete Outskirts Hunts

Complete all the hunts provided by the Mossbug Farm Elder.

In Mossbug Farm, complete all the Outskirts Hunter quests, including:

The Root of the Problem (Boss)

Flocked Off (Boss)

Fear the Sky (Boss)

Scorch the Outskirts (Boss, unlocks after finishing the main story)


Complete Golden Forest Hunt

Complete all the hunts provided by the Sigrid in Nestminster.

In Nestminster, complete all the Owl Hunter quests, including:

Hunt the Slither Scale (Boss)

Hunt the Death March (Boss)

Court of Owls (Boss)

Scorch the Forest (Boss, unlocks after finishing the main story)

The Slither Scale Pit (Infestation)

Death Marching (Infestation)

WereOwls Fear to Tread (Infestation)


Complete The Rift Hunt

Complete all the hunts provided by Short Tongue in Bogmire Forge.

In Bogmire Forge, complete all the Rift Hunter quests, including:

A Wicked Web (Boss)

Hunt the Stealth Claw (Boss)

Requiescat in Pace (Boss)

Revenge of the Frog (Boss)

Scorch the Rift (Boss, unlocks after finishing the main story)

Tailspinner's Brood (Infestation)


Complete White Whiskers Hunt

Complete all the hunts provided by Gray Ears in The Warren.

In The Warren, complete all the White Whiskers Hunter quests, including:

Ice Breaker (Boss)

Holes in the Ice (Boss)


Win The Crimson Key Tournament

Win the tournament in the Crimson Keep arena to win King Redgi's trust.

This is a story-based trophy. It unlocks automatically during the main quest in Crimson Keep.


Collect All Tarot Cards

Collect all the tarot cards and deliver them to Merlin.

There are a total of eight Tarot Cards in the game that you can mostly buy from different merchants:

Farmer Card: Bought from one of the Badgers in Golden Forest.

Begger Card: Bought from Ernest after completing his quest.

Knight Card: Looted from a corpse in The Rift, near the last resting bench.

Council Card: Bought from Maggie in Bogmire Forge after completing her quest.

Death Card: Bought from Maggie in Bogmire Forge after completing her quest.

Druid Card: Bought from Merlin at The Druid's Hut in The Rift.

King Card: Bought from the merchant next to the Blacksmith in Crimson Keep.

Smith Card: Bought from the merchant next to the Blacksmith in Crimson Keep.


Craft A Level 3 Weapon

Craft a weapon from the level 3 section at the Smithy.

Upgrade the Smithy to level 3 using the Builder and craft any Level 3 weapon to unlock this achievement.


Craft A Level 3 Cuirass

Craft a cuirass from the level 3 section at the Smithy.

Upgrade the Smithy to level 3 using the Builder and craft any Level 3 cuirass to unlock this achievement.


Full Belly

Cook all meals at the Chef.

Upgrade the Chef to level 3 using the Builder to unlock all three recipes. The first meal is cooked automatically through the story, but the other two require ingredients. All necessary ingredients can be purchased from Marco, the badger standing next to the Chef.


Flying Turtle

Take a ride with Burtle in his flying contraption.

This is a story-based trophy. It unlocks automatically during the last main story quest.


Build Level 3 Builder

Upgrade the builder to its highest level.

Progress through the main story until you can build the Builder's workshop. If you have the necessary crafting resources, you can upgrade it to the max immediately.


Build Level 3 Smith

Upgrade the smith to its highest level.

From the Builder, upgrade the Smith to the maximum level. Each upgrade requires progressing through the main story and gathering resources dropped by bosses and enemies.


Build Level 3 Chef

Upgrade the chef to its highest level.

From the Builder, upgrade the Chef to the maximum level. Each upgrade requires progressing through the main story and gathering resources dropped by bosses and enemies.


Build Level 3 Shop

Upgrade the shop to its highest level.

From the Builder, upgrade the Shop to the maximum level. Each upgrade requires progressing through the main story and gathering resources dropped by bosses and enemies.


Defeat Harat Bluefang

Defeat the Draugr in the Tomb of the Old King.

In the Outskirts, you'll find the Tomb of the Old King, which is locked. It opens once you slot in the four runestones.

The first runestone is by the entrance of the Tomb.

The second runestone is located in the Golden Forest. After saving the Badgers, use the Elder Strygid Skull item to the left of the Slither Scale Pit to open the door leading to it.

The third runestone can be purchased from Tuck after completing the main quest "Tuck's Emporium."

The last runestone is a reward for collecting all the Tarot Cards for Merlin. After obtaining all the runestones, return to the Tomb and defeat Harat Bluefang to earn this trophy.


In The Ice Peaks Bind Them

Defeat Count Kazak at the top of Mount Cauldron.

This is a story-based trophy. It unlocks automatically after completing the main story.


Tails of Iron 2: Whiskers of Winter Tag Page Cover Art

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