Sucker Punch Productions puts players into the shoes of Cole MacGrath, a superpower-wielding main character who seeks to defeat the Beast. Infamous 2’s adventure takes place in the open-world city of New Marais, which players can explore freely, while their choices affect their environment and the story.

inFAMOUS™ 2 is the second chapter in the series. This immersive open world adventure offers a powerful, emotional, and visceral take on being a super hero. Blamed for the destruction of Empire City, Cole must make a dramatic journey to discover his full super-powered potential.
inFAMOUS™ 2 continues the adventures of Cole MacGrath, the electrical superhero of Empire City. Now in search of new powers to save the world from the unstoppable force called, The Beast, Cole will face new foes, make new allies, and ultimately decide the fate of the world.
In inFAMOUS™ 2, Cole MacGrath will face many new choices that will determine the course of the game and the powers that he will wield. At his side, two powerful individuals with very different methods and powers will join you on your mission. What side will you take? Which ally will you select? Save the world or destroy it all? The choice is yours.

8 Best Vampire Villains In Gaming
From dark fantasy adventures to modern horror icons, these iconic vampires make up the best vampiric villains in gaming.

7 PlayStation Games Where The Main Character Dies
These PlayStation-exclusive games feature emotional climaxes where the protagonist has their fate sealed, and death comes to take them.

Ghost of Tsushima Broke One Longstanding Sucker Punch Tradition
Ghost of Tsushima is undoubtedly one of Sucker Punch's greatest games, but it broke one longstanding tradition of the developer's past titles.

One Underappreciated PS4 Exclusive Would Thrive on PC
Sucker Punch delivered a PS4 launch title that was a hit on the platform, but a PC port could give the game new life with an active modding scene.

7 Best Games Developed By Sucker Punch, Ranked
Sucker Punch has developed several excellent games. How do they stack up?

5 Best Games For A Good Morality Path
As storylines in video games become more aligned with player actions, there are a number of titles that are rewarding for good behavior.

8 Game Sequels That Explain Why You Lose Your Abilities
The frustrating part about some sequels is losing abilities, but thankfully some games explain why this happens.

A New Infamous Game Could Do Incredible Things With PS5 DualSense
Sucker Punch's Infamous series has been lying dormant, but its return could be spectacular if it takes advantage of the DualSense controller.

Infamous 2's Cole Redesign Shows the Pros and Cons of Player Feedback
Fan backlash from an Infamous 2 trailer caused Sucker Punch Productions to redesign its main hero, which shows how much power players have.

Sucker Punch Should Get a Shot at a Marvel or DC Game
Sucker Punch Productions is busy with Ghost of Tsushima, but it should consider using what it learned from Infamous to craft a Marvel or DC game.

7 PlayStation Heroes Who Have Caused The Most Mayhem
In certain cases, Playstation heroes have caused more harm than good. These protagonists have a lot of explaining to do.

The Next InFamous Title Should Follow InFamous 2's Evil Ending
With rumors circulating regarding a new InFamous game, Sucker Punch should consider using InFamous 2's evil ending to create a new timeline.

Infamous' Rocky History Has Really Started to Show
At one point in time, the Infamous series was wildly popular, something that makes the lack of any new entries in recent years a bit confusing.

The Case for a New Infamous Game
While there is plenty of upside to another Ghost of Tsushima game, it would be great to see Sucker Punch return to the Infamous series first.