There are 46 personalities for players to use on their characters in Dragon Quest 3 Remake. A personality determines how that character levels up, increasing and decreasing the points earned in specific stats.
While all stats will still increase to some degree, it's important to find the right personality for the character's vocation. There are many accessories and books that change your personality, and it's important to know the effects of that personality before changing your own; here's what everyone does.

Dragon Quest 3 Remake: Is There a Canon Name for the Protagonist?
Does the main hero of Dragon Quest 3 have a canon name? It's a little complicated.
Every Personality In Dragon Quest 3 Remake
While each character will get points for every attribute, personalities affect the amounts with each level. The benefits section will list which attribute will get more points, and the drawbacks section will list if any other attributes will grow more slowly because of that personality. When an attribute benefits from a personality, it will grow either slightly faster than usual, faster, or extremely faster than usual.
Personality |
Benefits |
Drawback |
Acrobat |
Aristocrat |
Bat Out Of Hell |
Bodybuilder |
Charmer |
Clown |
Contrarian |
Crybaby |
Daredevil |
Daydreamer |
Drudge |
Egghead |
Everyman |
Free Spirit |
Genius |
Good Egg |
Gourmand |
Happy Camper |
Idealist |
Ironclad |
Klutz |
Lazybones |
Lone Wolf |
Lout |
Lucky Devil |
Meathead |
Meddler |
Mule |
Narcissist |
Paper Tiger |
Paragon |
Plugger |
Scatterbrain |
Shrinking Violet |
Show-Off |
Slippery Devil |
Socialite |
Sore Loser |
Spoilt Brat |
Straight Arrow |
Tear-Away |
Thug |
Tough Cookie |
Wimp |
Wit |
Vamp |
You can change the personality of the protagonist and your party members at any time. It's best to do so sooner rather than later to make sure you get the most out of early-game levels and the stats they will give.