Space travel in No Man's Sky holds many surprises that can become great opportunities. To make the most out of their space travels, players must look out for rare items, like the Pirate Transponder.

Pirate Transponders are a great way to earn extra Units and resources, and in this guide, players will learn everything they need to know about Pirate Transponders in No Man's Sky, how to get them, and what they're used for.

Ways To Earn Lots Of Units In No Man's Sky

Units are one of the main currencies in No Man's Sky, and necessary for lots of in-game transactions. Here are a few ways to get rich quick.

How to Get Pirate Transponder in No Man's Sky


The only way to get Pirate Transponders in No Man's Sky is by defeating hostile pirate ships. Pirates aren't difficult to find, but before venturing out to hunt, players must ensure their starship is equipped with appropriate weapons and shields. At least a few Shield upgrades, a Rocket Launcher, and an Infra-Knife Accelerator are recommended to fight other ships. Alternatively, players can assemble a squadron of fighters to aid them in battle.

When ready, there are two main ways to find pirates in No Man's Sky:

  • Randomly in the open world
  • Through missions and bounties

Players can encounter pirate ships randomly when traveling in the open space. Sometimes, when leaving the space station, a skull marker indicating a pirate with a bounty can appear. Players simply have to fly towards the marker and defeat the target. Pirates may also scan and attack players if they have a lot of valuables on board. In that case, players will see a notification saying the scan is in progress and can choose to pay or fight the outlaws.

Another way to find pirates is by picking up combat missions from Mission Agents (or bounties from Bounty Masters in outlaw systems) on any space station. These missions are similar to pirates with a bounty, except they usually involve multiple waves of enemies. On the bright side, more enemies mean more chances of getting a Pirate Transponder as a drop. Every Vendor offers random missions, so players might have to jump between a few systems before they find one involving pirates.

Regardless of the method players choose, enemy strength and numbers depend on the system's conflict level, ranging from low to pirate-controlled. The higher the level, the more pirates players can expect to find.

How to Use Pirate Transponder in No Man's Sky


A Pirate Transponder costs 85,000 Units, and players can sell it using the Galactic Trade Terminal on any space station or outpost in the game. On its own, this is a great way to farm Units if players prefer fighting to mining or crafting rare resources. However, they can also donate the Pirate Transponders to a Mercenary Guild to increase their standing with it. Higher standing with the guild grants access to perks and supplies, like the Multi-Tool Expansion Slots and S-Class Modules.