- One Piece's world-building is praised due to its detailed content and characters.
- Cover Stories in the manga provide insight into the world but are skipped in the anime.
- The Enel Cover Story on his journey to the moon is a significant plot point excluded from the anime.
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Due to the massive amount of content and side stories the series has, One Piece has developed an excellent world. Featuring tons of moving parts, various factions, and excellent characters, many consider One Piece to be an amazing example of world-building. Though this level of detail has made the series itself extremely long, in the end, hopefully, it will all pay off in the Final Saga.
One aspect that has helped develop the characters and locations throughout One Piece is the Cover Stories that are included with each chapter. Although these stories are short, they provide a nice glimpse at the living breathing world that Oda has lovingly crafted. Sadly, after the East Blue Saga, the anime version of One Piece stopped covering these stories, meaning one amazing Cover Story has never been seen by anime-only fans.

Will One Piece End In 2025?
Although One Piece has been going on for over 25 years, the series is quickly approaching its end.
Skypiea Wasn't The End For Enel's Character In One Piece
In A Cover Story Enel Travels To The Moon
During Luffy’s adventures in One Piece’s Skypiea Arc, the Straw Hat Captain faced off against a self-proclaimed god named Enel. Despite being a god possessing incredibly strong lightning abilities, the protagonist of One Piece, Luffy, was able to defeat Enel, thwarting his plan to destroy the Sky Island. However, even though he was defeated, Luffy didn’t stop Enel from working towards making his true goal come true; he wanted to reach the “Fairy Vearth,” or the moon.
They call it the 'Fairy Vearth.' - Enel
After the events of Skypiea, it was revealed in a Cover Story that the One Piece villain Enel continued his journey to the moon after his defeat, and eventually made it there. On the moon, he discovered a strange group of Automata and various Space Pirates that were attacking them. After the Space Pirates damaged the moon, Enel defeated them, inadvertently saving the Automata. The Automata were grateful, however, and showed him the ancient ruins of an old civilization on the moon. Additionally, these Automata act as a sort of new army for the arrogant villain of One Piece.
The Enel Cover Story Deserves An Adaptation
Enel's Journey To The Moon Is A Great Character Moment
- Enel's Journey To The Moon Doesn't Exist In The Anime
- This Is A Great Arc For Enel's Character And Deserves An Adaptation
Despite the popularity of the One Piece character and the interesting Cover Story, this part of the manga was never adapted into the anime. The strangest part is that this part of the anime is technically a canon part of the story and an explanation of where Enel goes after his defeat. However, anime-only watchers can only assume that Enel made it to the moon, and what happened there is anyone’s guess.

One Piece: The Reunion With Vivi Might Not Be What Fans Expect
While many believe the reunion between the Straw Hats and Vivi in One Piece will be a happy occasion, it may not be what fans expect.
However, this One Piece Cover Story is interesting enough that it deserves at least one episode in the anime devoted to it. This mini-arc takes Enel’s character in such an interesting direction, making him from an arrogant self-proclaimed god to an arrogant defender of the “Fairy Vearth” that leads an army of Automata. Despite being an interruption to the usual One Piece story, it may be worth exploring, especially since Enel may one day return to the story.
It's Understandable Why They Skipped This Cover Story
The Anime Already Suffers From Enough Pacing Issues
At the same time, it makes sense that the poorly-paced One Piece anime stopped adapting these Cover Stories. The anime has a lot of content to cover, and with the current pace it’s taking, doesn’t have a lot of time to spend on Cover Stories that may be unimportant to the current plot. With that being said, if the anime was paced better, and covered more chapters per episode, animating these amazing Cover Stories would be less of a problem. Plus, if each Cover Story is wrapped up in a single episode, overall, it wouldn’t increase the length of the series by that much and would provide a lot more interesting content.
To the 'Fairy Vearth' - The caption of an Enel Cover Story
In the end, although the One Piece anime has some strong filler content, it’s hard not to miss the amazing content that’s exclusive to the manga. Additionally, the extra manga content is canon to the overall story of One Piece, whereas the animated filler content is not. However, the amazing Cover Stories and extra information are just another reason for anime-only watchers to check out the manga. Besides having tons of little extra details, the entire story is streamlined and much easier to get through, making for a better time experiencing the story of One Piece overall.